Chapter 4 Changing the Multipath Configuration (FC/FCoE Connection for RHEL-AS4, RHEL-ES4, RHEL5, SLES9, or SLES10)
4.2 Storage System and LU Reduction
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS Multipath Driver V2 User’s Guide for Linux
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED
When a new storage system is added without using the by-id names, or using the by-id
names with FUJITSU Software PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services installed, execute the
"mpdconfig -s" command to set the recognition order that includes new storage systems.
End of procedure
Storage System and LU Reduction
Reduction without Server Rebooting
Using the "mpdconfig" command, storage systems and LUs can be removed without shutting down the server.
Use the following procedure.
Detach the hardware.
Proceed as follows, depending on the reduction target.
Storage system reduction
Disconnect the target storage system from the server (turn the storage system power off, disconnect
the cables, etc.).
LU reduction
Perform LU reduction in the storage system (so that the server cannot recognize the LU). Refer to
the storage system manual for LU reduction details.
Delete the removed hardware from the Multipath Driver target list using the "mpdconfig -d"
# /opt/FJSVmpd/bin/mpdconfig -s
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS v.4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v.4, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
require the server be rebooted for storage system and LU reduction.
When removing the storage systems and LUs without server rebooting, completely halt all access to the
storage systems or LUs that are to be removed. If access cannot be halted, follow the procedures
described in
"4.2.2 Reduction with Server Rebooting" (page 58)
Never attempt to remove LU0.
# /opt/FJSVmpd/bin/mpdconfig -d