Function Introduction
Theta Alignment by Rotating 1 Fiber Only (FSM-100P+ Only)
Normally, when PM fibers or other fibers are rotationally aligned by the splicer theta
motors, both right and left fibers rotate in order to perform the alignment. However, in
some cases a fiber may have a component that may be damaged by θ rotation (such as a
pump combiner) or a fiber may have only a short available length that cannot withstand
rotational motion for θ alignment, and might be damaged or even broken by rotation. In
this case, it is helpful if that fiber is held stationary in the splicer and the only the
opposite fiber is rotated.
With conventional PAS theta alignment, it is always necessary to rotate the fiber so the
camera system can observe the side images of the fiber at different rotational position.
However, with the End-View system in the FSM-100P+, it is possible to observe the
End-View image of one fiber without rotating it, analyze the image and determine
relative angular orientation of the polarization axis (or other fiber features), and rotate
the opposite fiber to match the angle orientation of the stationary fiber. The [EV Lock]
Alignment Method is used to perform this operation.
The [EV Lock] Alignment Method is selected for the fiber that will not be rotated.
Therefore, the opposite side fiber must be rotated to match. Therefore, [EV Lock] may
be selected for either the right or left fiber,
but not for both fibers.
If [EV Lock] is
selected for one fiber, the opposite side fiber may be aligned to it using [EV] or the
[PAS] theta alignment method.
Select [Edit Splice Mode] → [θ Alignment] → [Alignment Method] then [EV
Lock] for the fiber to be held stationary. Select [θ Alignment] → [Alignment
Method] and then either [EV] or [PAS] for the opposite fiber.
Press the SET key. Both fibers move forward and stop after the cleaning arc.
End-View analysis will be performed for the stationary fiber.
The opposite fiber will be analyzed and rotated to match the orientation of the
stationary fiber, using the selected [Alignment Method] ([EV] or [PAS]).
After theta and X/Y alignment, the fibers will be spliced together.