When “W-8102” Message Dialog Appears
The print-waiting orders that are listed up in the “Next Print” list cannot be printed with the currently installed
Wait for a moment with no operation, so this message will disappear, then other print-waiting orders with the
setting of paper that matches the currently installed paper will be printed automatically, while skipping the
orders with the mismatched paper setting.
To replace the magazine with the correct one, click the [OK] button. Unless the orders with mismatched paper
are urgent ones, it is recommended to print the possible orders first, then the remaining orders after replacing
the magazine.
When “W-1627” Message Dialog Appears
This message appears when mismatching of surface or emulsion type occurred between the upper and lower
magazines while “Auto” is selected for magazine.
Click the [Abort] button, then select [Upper] or [Lower] magazine, and then resume printing.
Paper Mismatched in FMPC
distributed by www.minilablaser.com