Configuration of E-mail
Using the Scan Service
Set an e-mail address, host name, and domain name.
1) Select [System Settings].
2) Select [Network Settings].
3) Select [Machine’s E-mail Address/Host Name].
4) Select [E-mail Address] and then select [Change Settings].
5) Enter an e-mail address using the keyboard displayed.
6) Select [Save].
7) Set a host name and a domain name as above.
8) Select [Close].
If [SMTP] has been selected for [Mail Receive Protocol]
Aliases cannot be configured. A user can decide an account name (the left side of the
@ mark). An address (the right side of the @ mark) is a combination of a host name
and a domain name.
Example: [email protected]
Account name : mymail
Host name : myhost
Domain name : example.com
If [POP3] has been selected for [Mail Receive Protocol]
Specify a POP user name to an account name (the left side of the @ mark), and a
POP3 receiving mail server to an address (the right side of the @ mark). A user can
decide an alias such as [email protected].
Example: [email protected]
Account name : mymail
Set the protocol for receiving e-mail.
1) Select [Other Settings].
2) Select [E-mail Receive Protocol] and then select [Change Settings].
3) Select either [SMTP] or [POP3] as appropriate for your environment.
4) Select [Save].
5) Select [Close].
If [SMTP] has been selected for [Mail Receive Protocol]
1) Select [Outgoing/Incoming E-mail Settings].
2) Select [SMTP Server Settings] and then set the following items for the SMTP
[SMTP Server Port Number]
Enter a value in the range from 1 to 65535.
If [POP3] has been selected for [Mail Receive Protocol]
1) Select [Outgoing/Incoming E-mail Settings].
2) Select [POP3 Server Settings] and set the following items for the POP3 server.
[POP3 Server Setup]
Select from [By IP Address] or [By Server Name].