Data storage allows you to upload your recording files, log files and voicemail messages to an FTP server through the Ethernet. Or you
may attach an external USB drive to the IPPBX USB interface for saving the above mentioned files.
USB Storage
System -> Storage -> USB Storage
On PBX-C302 there’s only 1 USB interface, on PBX-C302 and PBX-C503 there are 2 on the back panel. USB drives could be attached to the
USB interface for data backup, only 1 USB drive supported on the PBX-C302 and PBX-C503.
Supported USB file system formats are: FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, EXT3 and EXT4. If it's a portable USB hard drive, please make sure it
uses external power supply. And please make sure the USB drive only has a single partition otherwise it won’t be detected by the IPPBX
Before attaching the USB drive and configuring data storage settings please make sure no one else is signed in the IPPBX web UI and
there’s no phone call going on in the system. Because during the configuration process of USB data storage, the recordings, logs and
voicemails generated would be lost.
Once a USB drive is detected, you’ll see the
USB Mount Status
changed to
. Refresh the status by clicking on the
if nothing happens when you have attached the USB drive.
Now you may enable USB storage and configure which kind of files to be saved in the USB drive.
Once done click on
button and it will start to create folders on the USB drive and upload the existing files to the USB drive too.
The whole process will take a few seconds to few minutes depending on the amount and size of the files. You may click on the
button to check the backup status, when done the
USB Backup Status
will change to
Backup End