Digital output signals (signals to robot)
If the connection between the power source and the ROB TSt interface goes down,
all digital and analogue output signals on the robot interface will be set to “0”.
The power source supply voltage (24 V SECONDARY) is available in the ROB TSt inter
24 V SECONDARY is electrically isolated from the LocalNet. A protective circuit limits ex
cess voltages to 100 V.
Use pin X14/1 to select which voltage is to be connected to the digital outputs of the
ROB TSt interface:
Robot control external voltage (24 V):
Connect the external voltage of the robot control digital output card (PLC) to pin X14/1
Power source supply voltage (24 V SECONDARY):
Place a jumper between X14/1 and X14/7
Power source
The “Power source ready” signal remains on for as long as the power source is ready for
The "Power source ready" signal drops out when a fault occurs on the power source.
Process active
The “Process active” signal remains on for as long as the power source is in use.
In other words, an open circuit voltage or welding current is present on the current sockets.
Current flow
The "Current flow" signal is set when the welding current is 10 A or higher.
Pin X2/14
24 V signal
Pin X7/2 or X12/2 or X5/10