WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)
Click “Apply”.
The “Repeater Settings” window now displays all of
the settings you need to set up the WDS base station.
Also displayed is the current IP address of the
FRITZ!Box you just set up as a WDS repeater. You
must enter this IP address in the web browser to
open the FRITZ!Box user interface.
We recommend printing out these settings.
This concludes the configuration of the FRITZ!Box as a
WDS repeater.
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)
The FRITZ!Box supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). With
WPS you can create secure links between WLAN adapters
and your FRITZ!Box. All of the necessary WLAN security
settings are transferred in the process. You can use either
the push-button or the PIN method.
Then register the FRITZ!Box settings you printed out in the
WDS base station operating in your wireless network.
WPS can be used only in combination with WLAN adapt-
ers that also support WPS. Consult the documentation of
your WLAN adapter to find out whether it supports WPS.