FRITZ!Box 7369
IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
DNS server first. The DNS server resolves the URL into the cor-
responding IP address. There is one unique IP address for ev-
ery URL.
The home user relies on the authenticity of the IP address re-
turned by the DNS server. Authentic means that the response
is the IP address of the desired website, and not a faked IP
address that leads to a fake website. DNSSEC can ensure that
the returned addresses are authentic.
Support with the FRITZ!Box
The FRITZ!Box supports DNSSEC queries over UDP.
The FRITZ!Box has a DNS proxy. The computers in the home
network use the FRITZ!Box as a DNS server. The FRITZ!Box for-
wards DNSSEC queries from the home network to the Inter-
net. The FRITZ!Box forwards DNSSEC responses from the In-
ternet to the home network. The DNSSEC information must be
validated on the computer in the home network. For this DNS-
SEC must be supported in the operating system.
IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
IPv6 stands for Internet protocol version 6 and is the succes-
sor to IPv4.
The FRITZ!Box supports the new IPv6 web protocol and can
establish IPv6 connections:
IPv6 support can be switched on in the FRITZ!Box user
For simultaneous use of IPv6 and IPv4, the FRITZ!Box
supports Dual Stack and Dual-Stack Lite. This means
that the FRITZ!Box can communicate with both IPv4 and
IPv6 domains in the Internet.
The FRITZ!Box supports native IPv6 and IPv6 with a tun-
nel protocol. Native IPv6 means that your Internet ser-
vice provider supports IPv6 directly on your line.