1-800-374-4432 (United States)
Let us help you troubleshoot your concern! This section will help you with common
issues. If you need us, visit our website, chat with an agent, or call us. We may be able
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Concern Potential Cause
Common Solution
Automatic Ice Maker
Ice maker is
not making
any ice.
• Ice maker is turned off.
• Refrigerator is not
connected to water
line or water valve is
not open.
• The water supply line
is kinked.
• The water filter is not
seated properly.
• The water filter may
be clogged with
foreign material.
• Freezer ice maker signal
arm is being prevented
from lowering down to
check the ice level in
the bin at the
appropriate time.
• Turn on ice maker.
Fresh Food Ice Maker
- press and
hold the ice maker button on the
side user interface for 3 seconds.
The LED indicator will illuminate to
indicate that the ice maker is ON.
Freezer Ice Maker
- press and
release the power button on the
front of the ice maker. The LED
indicator will illuminate to indicate
that the ice maker is ON.
• Connect the unit to the household
water supply and ensure the water
valve is open.
• Ensure that the supply line does not
kink when the refrigerator is pushed
into place against the wall.
• Remove and re-install the water
filter. Be sure to seat it fully into the
locked position.
• If water dispenses slowly or not at
all, or if the filter is six months old or
older, it should be replaced.
• Remove any item or frozen clump of
cubes that may prevent the signal
arm from lowering down to check
the ice level in the bin. Additionally,
be sure the bin is in its properly
installed position.