Build documentation for:
System X Amplifier
Based on the Roland System 100M VCA
Frequency central
Version 2 / April 2013
B100K B100K B100K A100K A100K
CV2 CV1 Initial Input 1 Input 2
Key to PCB screen print:
This signifies NPN BC547 transistors. Note the correct pinout as shown by the half circles.
This signifies PNP BC557 transistors. Note the correct pinout as shown by the half circles.
This signifies 2N5485 FETs. Note the correct pinout as shown by the half circles.
Please observe the correct polarity of the 6 electrolytic capacitors. The 4 x 22uF are
configured in sets of 2 back to back (negative to negative).
The PCB shows the correct orientation for BC547/BC557/2N5485. Other transistor types can
be used (eg 2N3904/2N3906/BF245), but please observe the correct pinout.