Symphony DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Chip Configuration Module
Figure 20-12. SPDIFIN1 and ESAI Pin Mux in 80-Pin Packages
In DSP56725 80-pin packages, the PMC[14] bit enables/disables the pin mux of the SPDIFIN1 and
ESAI_2 SDO2_2/SDI3_2 pins. When the PMC[14] bit is set (1), the shared ESAI_2 SDO2_2/SDI3_2 pin
is used as the SPDIFIN1 input and the ESAI_2 output on this pin is disabled. When the PMC[14] bit is
cleared (0), this pin is controlled by ESAI_2.
Figure 20-13. SPDIFOUT1 and ESAI_2 Pin Mux In 80-Pin Packages
In DSP56725 80-pin packages, the PMC[15] bit enables/disables the pin mux of the SPDIFOUT1 and
ESAI_2 SD03_2/SDI2_2 pins. When the PMC[15] bit is set (1), this shared ESAI_2 pin is used as the
SPDIFOUT1 output and the ESAI_2 input on this pin is disabled. When the PMC[15] bit is cleared, this
pin is controlled by ESAI_2.
Soft Reset
The chip configuration module contains a soft reset control register used for triggering soft reset to
different shared peripherals. The bit definitions of the PSRC register describes the functionality of each bit
that will trigger a soft reset to its corresponding peripheral. Writing “1” to a specific bit of the PSRC
register will cause a soft reset of the corresponding peripheral. The PSRC register bit will be cleared
SPDIF pin mux
Chip ESAI_2 SDO2_2/SDI3_2 pin
Control by PMC[14]
sdo2_2/sdi3_2 signal
esai pin
SPDIFIN1 not available on
DSP56725 80-pin packages.
SPDIF pin mux
ESAI pin
Chip ESAI_2 SDO3/SDI2 pin
Controlled by PMC[15]
sdo3_2/sdi2_2 signal
SPDIFOUT1 not available on
DSP56725 80-pin packages.