Symphony DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
In addition to high MIPS, the DSP56724/DSP56725 provides powerful and flexible audio data
communications and supports a wide variety of audio applications. This section provides a brief
description of the DSP56724/DSP56725 processor features.
The DSP56724/DSP56725 has two DSP56300 DSP cores. The high throughput of the DSP56300 family
of processors makes them well-suited for high-speed control, efficient signal processing, numeric
processing, and audio applications. Benefits of using DSP56300 cores include:
Speed: The DSP56300 family supports most high-performance DSP applications.
Precision: The data paths are 24 bits wide, providing 144 dB of dynamic range. Intermediate
results held in the 56-bit accumulators can range over 336 dB.
Parallelism: Each on-chip execution unit, memory, and peripheral operates independently and in
parallel with the other units through a sophisticated bus system. The Data ALU, AGU, and program
controller operate in parallel so that the following operations can execute in a single instruction:
— An instruction pre-fetch
— A 24-bit
24-bit multiplication
— A 54-bit addition
— Two data moves
— Two address-pointer updates using either linear or modulo arithmetic
Flexibility: While many other DSPs require external communication devices to interface with
peripheral circuits (such as A/D converters, D/A converters, or processors), the DSP56300 family
provides on-chip serial and parallel interfaces that support various configurations of memory and
peripheral modules. The peripherals are interfaced to the DSP56300 family core through a
peripheral interface bus that provides a common interface to many different peripherals.
Sophisticated Debugging: Freescale’s On-Chip Emulation (OnCE) technology allows simple,
inexpensive, and speed-independent access to the internal registers for debugging. With the OnCE
module, you can easily determine the exact status of the registers and memory locations, plus
identify which instructions were executed last.
Phase Locked Loop (PLL)-Based Clocking: The PLL allows the chip to use almost any available
external system clock for full-speed operation, while also supplying an output clock synchronized
to a synthesized internal core clock. It improves the synchronous timing of the external memory
port, eliminating the timing skew common on other processors.
Invisible Pipeline: The seven-stage instruction pipeline is essentially invisible to the programmer,
allowing straightforward program development in either assembly language or high-level
languages such as C or C++.
Similar Instruction Set: The instruction mnemonics are similar to those used for microcontroller
units, making an easy transition from programming microprocessors to programming the device.
New microcontroller instructions, addressing modes, and bit field instructions allow for significant
decreases in program code size. The orthogonal syntax controls the parallel execution units. The
hardware DO loop and the repeat (REP) instructions make writing straight-line code obsolete.
Low Power: Designed in CMOS, the DSP56300 family consumes very little power. Two additional
low-power modes, Stop and Wait, further reduce power requirements. Wait is a low-power mode