50.4 Functional description
This section explains the JTAGC functional description.
50.4.1 JTAGC reset configuration
While in reset, the TAP controller is forced into the Test-Logic-Reset state, thus disabling
the test logic and allowing normal operation of the on-chip system logic. In addition, the
instruction register is loaded with the IDCODE instruction.
50.4.2 IEEE 1149.1-2001 (JTAG) Test Access Port
The JTAGC block uses the IEEE 1149.1-2001 TAP for accessing registers. This port can
be shared with other TAP controllers on the MCU. Ownership of the port is determined
by the value of the currently loaded instruction.
Data is shifted between TDI and TDO though the selected register starting with the least
significant bit, as illustrated in the following figure. This applies for the instruction
register, test data registers, and the bypass register.
Selected Register
Figure 50-3. Shifting data through a register
50.4.3 TAP controller state machine
The TAP controller is a synchronous state machine that interprets the sequence of logical
values on the TMS pin. The following figure shows the machine's states. The value
shown next to each state is the value of the TMS signal sampled on the rising edge of the
TCK signal. As the following figure shows, holding TMS at logic 1 while clocking TCK
through a sufficient number of rising edges also causes the state machine to enter the
Test-Logic-Reset state.
Chapter 50 JTAG Controller (JTAGC)
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.