42.6 Host Mode Operation Examples
The following sections illustrate the steps required to perform USB host functions using
the USB-FS core. While it is useful to understand the interaction of the hardware and the
software at a detailed level, an understanding of the interactions at this level is not
required to write host applications using the API software.
To enable host mode and discover a connected device:
1. Enable Host Mode (CTL[HOST_MODE_EN]=1). The pull-down resistors are
enabled, and pull-up disabled. Start of Frame (SOF) generation begins. SOF counter
loaded with 12,000. Disable SOF packet generation to eliminate noise on the USB by
writing the USB enable bit to 0 (CTL[USB_EN]=0).
2. Enable the ATTACH interrupt (INT_ENB[ATTACH]=1).
3. Wait for ATTACH interrupt (INT_STAT[ATTACH]). Signaled by USB Target pull-
up resistor changing the state of DPLUS or DMINUS from 0 to 1 (SE0 to J or K
4. Check the state of the JSTATE and SE0 bits in the control register. If the connecting
device is low speed (JSTATE bit is 0), set the low-speed bit in the address registers
(ADDR[LS_EN]=1) and the Host Without Hub bit in endpoint 0 register control
5. Enable RESET (CTL[RESET]=1) for 10 ms.
6. Enable SOF packet to keep the connected device from going to suspend
7. Enumerate the attached device by sending the appropriate commands to the default
control pipe of the connected device. See the Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0
"Chapter 9 USB Device Framework" (http://www.usb.org/developers/
To complete a control transaction to a connected device:
1. Complete all the steps to discover a connected device
2. Set up the endpoint control register for bidirectional control transfers ENDPT0[4:0]
= 0x0d.
Host Mode Operation Examples
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.