Applications Information
MC13192/MC13193 Technical Data, Rev. 2.7
Freescale Semiconductor
8 Applications Information
8.1 Crystal Oscillator Reference Frequency
The IEEE 802.15.4 Standard requires that several frequency tolerances be kept within
40 ppm accuracy.
This means that a total offset up to 80 ppm between transmitter and receiver will still result in acceptable
performance. The primary determining factor in meeting this specification is the tolerance of the crystal
oscillator reference frequency. A number of factors can contribute to this tolerance and a crystal
specification will quantify each of them:
1. The initial (or make) tolerance of the crystal resonant frequency itself.
2. The variation of the crystal resonant frequency with temperature.
3. The variation of the crystal resonant frequency with time, also commonly known as aging.
4. The variation of the crystal resonant frequency with load capacitance, also commonly known as
pulling. This is affected by:
a) The external load capacitor values - initial tolerance and variation with temperature.
b) The internal trim capacitor values - initial tolerance and variation with temperature.
c) Stray capacitance on the crystal pin nodes - including stray on-chip capacitance, stray package
capacitance and stray board capacitance; and its initial tolerance and variation with
Freescale has specified that a 16 MHz crystal with a <9 pF load capacitance is required. The
MC13192/MC13193 does not contain a reference divider, so 16 MHz is the only frequency that can be
used. A crystal requiring higher load capacitance is prohibited because a higher load on the amplifier
circuit may compromise its performance. The crystal manufacturer defines the load capacitance as that
total external capacitance seen across the two terminals of the crystal. The oscillator amplifier
configuration used in the MC13192/MC13193 requires two balanced load capacitors from each terminal
of the crystal to ground. As such, the capacitors are seen to be in series by the crystal, so each must be
<18 pF for proper loading.
In the reference schematic, the external load capacitors are shown as 6.8 pF each, used in conjunction with
a crystal that requires an 8 pF load capacitance. The default internal trim capacitor value (2.4 pF) and stray
capacitance total value (6.8 pF) sum up to 9.2 pF giving a total of 16 pF. The value for the stray capacitance
was determined empirically assuming the default internal trim capacitor value and for a specific board
layout. A different board layout may require a different external load capacitor value. The on-chip trim
capability may be used to determine the closest standard value by adjusting the trim value via the SPI and
observing the frequency at CLKO. Each internal trim load capacitor has a trim range of approximately
2.5 pF in 20 µF steps.
Initial tolerance for the internal trim capacitance is approximately
Since the MC13192/MC13193 contains an on-chip reference frequency trim capability, it is possible to
trim out virtually all of the initial tolerance factors and put the frequency within 0.12 ppm on a
board-by-board basis.