ADS-B FDL-DB Dual Band Series
Installation Manual
Document No. 88552 Rev A
FFS Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved.
Setting an input port to Disp-Cntrl (TIS/FIS) must correspond to setting the same
output port to a display output (e.g. if serial port 6 output is set to Traffic-Alert
(TIS/FIS), then serial port 6 input can be set to either a) Disp-Cntrl (TIS/FIS) to
enable display control or b) UNUSED (Not Used) to disable display control. ONLY
one display port should be set to Disp-Cntrl).
Refer to Section 2.5.9and Section 7.1.1 for examples of wiring with one or two
pin time mark output.
If any port is configured with these settings on a system with a TC978 installed,
then the TC978 will not accept inputs and will instead mirror the control inputs
coming from the transponder or the display. If control input is lost from another
device for 60 seconds, then the TC978 will take over the role as the primary
The GTX-330 outputs its own call sign in a single message at startup. When the
FDL-DB-XVR is powered on first, it takes the call sign from the GTX-330 and uses
that as the default call sign.
Table 4. Serial Port Input Baud Rate Settings
4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200
These baud rates are typical for RS-232 or RS-422 equipment but
the correct rate must be selected to match the interfacing
equipment’s configured or default baud rate.
230400, 460800
These high baud rates are
recommended for RS-232 serial