Freedy Flex Quick Manual Download Page 1



Car Mount

Safety Information

-  Please read these information prior to using the device 

to ensure safe and proper use.
- Recommended to use only with the cable or power


adaptor provided together along with the device in this 

package. Using cables or power adaptors from being


damaged may cause unexpected malfunctions. 
-  Any magnetic or metallic object may generates heat


and cause unexpected malfunctions. 
-  Do not disassemble, modify, or attempt to replace 



part of the wireless charger. 

-  Do not use the device in circumstances with high tem-

perature, sunlight or any other type of heat
- This product is intended for the use in





ar only


-  Keep away from any harmful liquid or water.
- Unplug the power cable from the power source if you 

experience any unexpected problem or visible defects


while using the device, and contact Freedy for assis-



- Freedy sells its products with the intent that they are 

free of defects in manufacture and workmanship for

two year from the date of original purchase. Please keep

a purchase receipt as proof of purchase.
- Freedy warrants that its product will be free of defects

in material and workmanship under normal use and

- This warranty does not cover any damage caused by 

misuse or abuse; accident; alternation to the product;

Improper installation; unauthorized repairs or modifica-

tions; Improper use of wall adaptor; or any other condi-

tions whatsoever that are beyond the control of Freedy.
- This warranty does not extend to the purchase of

opened, used, repaired, repackaged and/or resealed

products, including but not limited to sale of such prod-

ucts on any online shop and/or sales of such products 

by surplus or bulk resellers. Any and all warranties or

guarantees shall immediately cease and terminate if the 

product has been modified or altered by anyone except 

for Freedy. 


Made in China

 2018 Freedy. KMT SYSTEM Co.,Ltd.All rights reserved

141, Gangseo-ro 56ga-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul,

Republic of Korea (07582)

사용 전 주의사항


 안전하고 올바른 사용을 위해 제품 사용 전 안내를 반드시 읽어주

시기 바랍니다.


  본  패키지에  포함된  케이블  또는  전원어댑터  사용을  권장합니다.

기타 다른 케이블 또는 전원어댑터 사용시 고장의 원인이 될 수 있


 자성이 있거나 금속재질의 물체가 제품에 올려질 경우에 발열 또는

다른 예상치 못한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다.


 제품의 분해, 개조, 변형을 하지 마십시오.

고온, 직사광선, 또는 기타 열이 많은 환경에서는 사용하지 마십시오.

본 제품은 가정 또는 사무실 등 실내에서 사용하도록 설계되어 있


유독 화학물질 또는 수분에 노출된 환경에서는 사용하지 마십시오.

만약  예상하지  못한  사용상  문제나  결함이  발견되었을  때에는  즉

시  전원  케이블을  분리하여  작동을  멈추고  고객센터에  문의하시기

제품 보증

- Freedy는 2년간의 제품보증 정책을 제공합니다. 구매확인을 위한
구매영수증을 보관하여 주십시오.


 제품보증은 제품 오용, 임의 변형, 임의 수리 또는 수정, 부적절한 파

워 어댑터의 사용, 혹은 어떠한 다른 형태의 사용으로 인한 불량 발생
시 적용되지 않습니다.

- 제품보증은 허가받지 않은 판매자로부터 판매된 중고, 수정품, 재
포장  제품  등에는  적용되지  않습니다.  Freedy를  제외한  다른  누군
가로부터 이루어진 제품의 변형, 수정 등이 확인될 경우 제품보증이
제공되지 않습니다.

Non-Slip Pad & 

Fast Wireless


Motor Powered


IR Sensor for

Auto Hold / Release

Touch Sensor for

Releasing the Arms
