Thank you for choosing the Franklin Wireless C774.
- This manual briefly explains the preparation, installation process and safety
precautions for using C774 CPE router.
- We recommend you read this manual before using the C774 CPE router.
Table of Contents
Care and Maintenance------------------------------------------------- 2
Chapter 1. Getting to know the C774
1.1 General Features ------------------------------------------------- 2
1.2 What’s in the box? ----------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 Hardware Features of the C774------------------------------- 3
Chapter 2. Setting up and using the C774
2.1 Installing the 4G LTE SIM Card ------------------ -------------- 4
2.2 Installing the Antennas ------------------------------------------4
2.3 Charging the battery-------------------------- ------------------- 5
2.4 Battery Tips -------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.5 Hooking up your telephone ------------------------------------ 6
2.6 Turning on the device ------------------------------------------------ 6
2.7 Network Access ---------------------------------------------------- 6
2.8 Activate your device ---------------------------------------------- 7
2.9 Connecting to the Router ---------------------------------------- 8
Chapter 3. Technical Specifications, Regulatory and Safety Information,
Warranty, Trademarks & Copyright
3.1 LED Overview ------------------------------------------------------ 9
3.2 Technical Specification ------------------------------------------ 10
3.3 Safety Information ----------------------------------------------- 11
3.4. Warranty ---------------------------------------------------------- 11
3.5. Trademarks ------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.6 Copyright----------------------------------------------------------- 13