Foxtech DA16 Radio Control System
User Manual
2018 FOXTECH All Rights Reserved
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Flight Safety
Please pay more attention to content indicated with the following marks:
DA16 transmitting and receiving system is designed for professional application in specific industries,
users who use the device should have at least basic ability manipulating it. Any irregular or irresponsible
manipulations of the device may cause damages and lead to property loss or human injuries. Non-adult
users must follow their trainer’s guidance oradults’ supervision. Disassembling or modification on DA16
transmitter is prohibited without a permission from Foxtech.
To maintain a safe and a good flight experience of Foxtech's product, please read the prohibited and
mandatory carefully:
Keep aircraft within sight range in a flight.
Make sure DA16 transmitter’s screen menu is returned to system menu before taking off a flight, in case
of any accidents caused by mistouching system settings.
Do not forget to check transmitter and receiver battery level before flying an aircraft.
Power off aircraft first, then transmitter, when a flight is over.
Before doing any settings or adjustment on transmitter, make sure aircraft engine is powered off and
motor wires are off connection, in case of switching on accidentally.
Before fly aircraft for the first time, make sure that the Fail-safe function preprogrammed in DA16
transmitter is activated.
Before fly aircraft for the first time, power on transmitter first and hold throttle joystick at its bottom
position, then power on aircraft.
Do not use DA16 transmitter to control aircraft in places of intensive crowd (squares, parks), places of
many obstructions (streets, parking lots), fields of strong magnetic or interference (power/radar stations,
railways) or any other fields that may cause property loss or human injuries.
Do not hold or cover transmitter antenna or obstruct transmission by any means in a flight.
Do not point directly to aircraft with antennas’ upper end in a flight.
Do not fly aircraft when you are tired, drunk, sickness or in any occasions that not feeling good.
Do not fly aircraft when there is a rain, strong wind or at night.
Do not power off transmitter in a flight while aircraft engine and motors are still working.
DANGER Dangerous manipulation probably leads to human injuries.
WARNING Warnings on manipulation possibly leads to human injuries.
CAUTION Cautions on manipulation may lead to property loss.
Prohibited Mandatory