Recovering powder and filling powder cartridges |
3. Place the build chamber on a heat proof surface in a safe location.
4. Allow the build chamber to cool for 30–50% of the original print time.
5. Insert the build chamber into the Fuse Sift and begin the part recovery process.
Unpacking a powder cake
For detailed guidance and visual assistance, visit
Once the build chamber has fully cooled, raise the powder cake out of the build chamber
using the Fuse Sift.
If the build chamber graphic and icon are highlighted red and the touchscreen
displays the status Hot, allow the build chamber to continue cooling before ejecting
the cake.
To unpack a cake:
1. Insert the build chamber into the Fuse Sift and close the build chamber latch.
2. Connect the build chamber plug to the Fuse Sift.
3. Check the build chamber status on the touchscreen. When the touchscreen displays the
, push the
button on the control panel. This turns on the light and vents
the workspace.
4. On the touchscreen, tap Unpack to lift the print bed and eject the cake.
Extracting parts:
For detailed guidance and visual assistance,
After lifting the powder cake out of the build
chamber with the Fuse Sift, extract your
printed parts from the powder cake.
To extract parts:
1. Move the majority of the cake to the center
of the workspace, then tap
on the
touchscreen or push the
button on the
control panel. This vibrates the workspace,
causing loose powder to fall through the
grate and into the sifter mesh below, then
ultimately into the used powder hopper.
2. While recovering powder, use nylon wire
brushes to remove remaining powder. Brush the loose powder into the grate to reclaim as
much powder as possible.
3. Remove clean parts from the workspace. Move as much of the remaining powder as
possible into the grate using the nylon wire brushes.
4. Turn on the vacuum by pushing the
button on the control panel or by tapping the
vacuum hose icon on the touchscreen.
5. Lift the hood for easier access. Vacuum the loose powder inside the workspace and
under the hood.