forest-style 004478 Manual Download Page 1





Summary of Contents for 004478

Page 1: ...Ref 004478 Vers 1 Abri TANA 13 9m2...

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Page 4: ...par un produit imperm abilisant type enduit bitumeux pour viter les remont es d humidit par capillarit En cas de litige vous envoyez votre revendeur une demande de SAV accompagn e d une photo de l l...

Page 5: ...ith a waterproofing product bituminous coating type to prevent rising damp by capillary action In the event of a dispute you send your dealer a service request accompanied by a photo of the damaged it...

Page 6: ...type bitumineuze coating om opstijgend vocht door capillaire werking te voorkomen In geval van geschil stuurt u uw dealer een verzoek om naverkoopdienst samen met een foto van het beschadigde artikel...

Page 7: ...kt mit der Platte mit einem Abdichtungsprodukt Typ Bitumenbeschichtung um aufsteigende Feuchtigkeit durch Kapillarwirkung zu verhindern Im Streitfall senden Sie Ihrem H ndler eine Kundendienstanfrage...

Page 8: ...inferior del cobertizo del contacto directo con la losa con un producto impermeabilizante tipo revestimiento bituminoso para evitar el ascenso de humedad por capilaridad En caso de litigio env e a su...

Page 9: ...tre mont par au moins deux personnes Le temps de montage estimatif est d une journ e Fondations Abri Pour la r alisation de la fondation vous pouvez utiliser une chape b ton plane et de niveau ou autr...

Page 10: ...mat riel mont Pour les produits en bois le bois tant un mat riau vivant qui peut donner lieu de fa on normale de l g res d formations les demandes sur les l ments dits voil s gondol s devront stricte...

Page 11: to be mounted by at least two people The approximate time of assembly is one day Foundations Shed Use a flat and levelled concrete floor or other hard surface as the foundation with adapted dimens...

Page 12: ...embled products As far as wooden products are concerned please remember that timber is a living material that may naturally deform Any claims regarding deformed elements must be accompanied by photogr...

Page 13: ...i Personen zusammengebaut werden Die gesch tzte Montagezeit betr gt einen Tag Fundamente Fundamente f r Gartenhaus F r die Ausf hrung des Fundaments k nnen Sie einen flachen und ebenen Betonestrich od...

Page 14: ...und Versandkosten in Rechnung gestellt werden Wir nehmen keine montierte Ausr stung zur ck Bei Holzprodukten da Holz ein lebendes Material ist das normalerweise zu leichten Verformungen f hren kann m...

Page 15: ...ullie af uw tuinhuis te installeren op een plaats met te veel wind Dit product moet door minimaal twee personen gemonteerd worden De montagetijd is ongeveer een dag Grondvesting Tuinhuis Voor de reali...

Page 16: ...leerde materieel terug Voor houtproducten waarbij hout een levend materiaal is dat normaal gesproken aanleiding kan geven tot lichte vervormingen moeten verzoeken om zogenaamde kromgetrokken of kromge...

Page 17: ...s dos personas El tiempo de montaje estimado es de un d a Cimientos Casita de jard n Para preparar los cimientos se puede usar una capa de hormig n bloques de construcci n u otra base s lida con las d...

Page 18: ...los costes de la eventual reparaci n y transporte Nunca se recibe el producto montado En lo referente a productos de madera recordamos que la madera es un material vivo que puede sufrir de manera nat...

Page 19: ...www forest style com PZ2...

Page 20: ...cylinder lock x1 V12 Latch L 50 x2 V05 3x20mm x19 V07 2x20mm x310 V13 Support muntin x18 V11 Metalic hinges x6 V14 Muntin x9 V08 Door handle x1 V15 Vents x2 V16 5x70mm x2 Vis Screw schraube Tornillo...

Page 21: ...Global view M23 M05 M03 M04 M01 M18 M06 M11 M12 M13 M21 M14 M02 M10 M09 M19 M16 M17 M20 M20a M07 M22 M08 M15 M24 M25 180...

Page 22: ...L 3980mm L 1850mm L 3980mm S04992 S04993 S04996 L 610mm L 660mm S04994 S04995 M01 x2 x16 1 M02 x23 M03 M04 M05 x7 x9...

Page 23: ...L 3480mm L 3480mm S04997 S04998 S05001 S04999 S05000 M06 x32 1 x2 M07 x2 M08 M09 M10 x2 x1...

Page 24: ...S04977 S04980 S04979 S04978 S05075 M11a x1 x1 M13 M14 x1 M12 x1 x1 M11b...

Page 25: ...L 2150mm 78 S04981 S04985 S05003 S05004 S05002 L 2100mm L 2150mm M15 x1 x4 M17 M18 M19 x4 x4 M16 x80 2...

Page 26: ...L 1990mm L 1490mm S04986 S04987 S04988 S05005 L 1730mm L 1 0m x 12 0m L 1 0m x 4 0m L 0 5m x 4 0m S04989 L 75x75x19mm L 300x22x10mm M20 x2 x2 M22 M25 x2 M21 x1 M20a x2 M23 x1 M24 x1...

Page 27: ...4000mm 3500mm mini 100mm 3980 2298 3480 dalle b ton concrete floor 4000mm 3500mm mini 100mm...

Page 28: ...90 A M06 x2 M01 x2 1 20 B A B No Dimension Qty M01 3980x55x28 2 M06 3480x110x28 2...

Page 29: ...M02 x9 M06 x16 M03 x9 M04 x9 2 20 No Dimension Qty M02 3980x110x28 9 M03 610x110x28 9 M04 1850x110x28 9 M06 3480x110x28 16...

Page 30: ...M03 x14 M02 x7 M06 x14 3A 20 A No Dimension Qty M02 3980x110x28 7 M03 610x110x28 14 M06 3480x110x28 14...

Page 31: ...M15 M05 x7 V04 x2 30mm 20mm 3B D 20 C B D No Dimension Qty M05 660x110x28 7 M15 855x695x66 1 V04 3 5x35mm 2...

Page 32: ...9 0 M12 x1 M11a x1 M11b x1 x2 x2 4 mm 14 mm x2 10 mm 14 mm 14 mm 10 mm 14 mm 14 mm V16 4 20 A C B D No Dimension Qty M11a 1747x90x67 1 M11b 1747x90x67 1 M12 1694x90x67 1 V16 5x70mm 2...

Page 33: ...M07 x2 M08 x2 5 20 No Dimension Qty M07 3480x110x28 2 M08 3980x436x28 2...

Page 34: ...M19 x4 x4 V01 400mm 30mm 30mm 400mm V04 E x4 6 20 B D A C 6mm M08 No Dimension Qty M19 1870x35x16 4 V01 6x60mm 4 V04 3 5x35mm 4...

Page 35: ...M09 x1 M10 x2 V02 x4 7 20 V02 x4 V02 x2 No Dimension Qty M09 3480x120x40 1 M10 3480x120x40 2 V02 5x90mm 10...

Page 36: ...M16 x80 V06 8 20 3 nails pcs No Dimension Qty M16 2100x88x18 80 V06 2x40mm 250...

Page 37: ...07 6 nails x2 M23a M23c M23b V07 mini 60mm 50mm M23 9 20 9 nails x8 35 nails x6 A M23a 3 x 4m M23c 0 5 x 4m B M23b 1 x 4m No Dimension Qty M23a 12000x1000 1 M23b 4000x1000 1 M23c 4000x500 1 V07 2x20mm...

Page 38: ...400 500mm M18 x4 V03 10 20 5 screws pcs No Dimension Qty M18 2150x75x19 4 V03 4x30mm 20...

Page 39: ...M20 x2 M20a x2 V03 x5 x4 11 20 No Dimension Qty M20 1990x35x16 2 M20a 1490x35x16 2 V03 4x30mm 20...

Page 40: ...M17 x4 V04 x3 12 20 x4 No Dimension Qty M17 2150x90x19 4 V04 3 5x35mm 12...

Page 41: ...V04 x2 V04 x2 572 mm M22 x2 V05 x3 M24 x1 13 20 x2 No Dimension Qty M22 150x120x19 2 M24 300x22x10 1 V04 3 5x35mm 4 V05 3x20mm 3...

Page 42: ...M13 M13 M14 14A C 20 x3 M13 x3 M14 A C B V11 x1 No Dimension Qty M13 1730x715x30 1 M14 1730x715x30 1 V04 3 5x35mm 20 V11 hinges 6...

Page 43: ...M14 M13 5 mm 37 50 mm V04 x3 14D H 20 D E F G x6 H x6 x12 3mm...

Page 44: ...14 I 20 I...

Page 45: ...V14a x1 V14b x2 V13 x6 V03 x6 V14b x2 V14a x1 V03 x6 x2 V13 x6 272 mm 243 mm 15 20 No Dimension Qty V03 4x30mm 18 V13 Support muntin 18 V14a Muntin 730mm 3 V14b Muntin 545mm 6...

Page 46: ...V03 x4 M21 16 20 17 20 V09 V10 V08 5x5mm V05 x4 No Dimension Qty V03 4x30mm 4 M21 1730x75x19 1 No Dimension Qty V05 3x20mm 4 V08 door handle 5x5mm 1 V09 mortis door lock 1 V10 cylinder lock 1...

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Page 48: ...V04 x4 x2 V05 x6 D x2 1 0 m m C 10mm 2mm x6 19 20 A M25 V12 B No Dimension Qty M25 75x75x19 2 V04 3 5x35mm 8 V05 3x20mm 12 V12 50mm 2...

Page 49: ...V15a x4 V15 x2 8 0 m m x2 20 20 A B option A No Dimension Qty V15 100x100mm 2 V15a 3x15mm 8...

Page 50: ...V15 V15a x4 x2 8 0 m m x2 20 20 B A option B No Dimension Qty V15 100x100mm 2 V15a 3x15mm 8...

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