Ford Super Duty 2008 Quick Reference Manual Download Page 1

Audiophile in-dAsh six Cd/Mp3/sAtellite CoMpAtible sound systeM


Tire Pressure

Your tire pressure needs to be 

properly set according to the 

recommended specifications. 

These specifications can be 

found on the Safety Compliance 

Certification Label or Tire Label 

which is located on the B-Pillar or 

the edge of the driver’s door. Please 

check your tire pressure during 

routine maintenance and seasonal 

changes and when the Tire Pressure 

Monitoring System warning indicator 

is illuminated. Tire pressure is 

specified to provide the appropriate 

load capacity for your vehicle’s axle 

load ratings. Keeping the tires at the 

proper pressure is an important part 

of maintaining your vehicle.  

Improperly inflated tires can affect 

vehicle handling and can fail 

suddenly, resulting in a possible loss 

of vehicle control.


If your electrical components are not 

working properly, a fuse may have 

blown. Please refer to your  

Owner’s Guide for fuse locations.

Fuel PumP shuT-OFF swiTch

This device stops the electric fuel 

pump from sending fuel to the 

engine when your vehicle has had a 

substantial jolt. After an accident, if 

the engine cranks but doesn’t start, 

the switch may have been activated. 

The fuel pump shut-off switch is 

located on the passenger side of the 

instrument panel. You have to open 

the passenger side door and remove 

the access panel to reset the switch. 

For switch reset instructions, please 

refer to your Owner’s Guide.

lOcaTiOn OF sPare Tire and 

TOOls/changing The Tires

Your vehicle’s jack, lug wrench and 

lug wrench extension (if equipped) 

are installed in your vehicle in 

different locations based on cab 

configuration. Please refer to 

your Owner’s Guide for detailed 

information on tire changing tools 

and tire changing instructions.

rOadside emergencies

During your vehicle’s limited  

warranty period, the assurance  

and support of a 24-hour  

emergency roadside assistance 

program is included. Roadside  

assistance includes such services 

as fuel delivery, tire changes, jump 

starts, winch-outs, towing (limited 

distance) and lock-out assistance. 

Complete your roadside assistance  

identification card and keep it handy 

(such as in your wallet) for quick 

reference. This identification card  

is located in either your Owner  

Guide portfolio in the glove  

compartment (U.S.) or the Customer 

Information Guide in the glove  

compartment (Canada).

memOry seaTs/mirrOrs/adjusTable Pedals (if equipped)

This system allows automatic positioning of the driver seat, power mirrors, and adjustable pedals in 

two programmable positions. The memory seat control is located on the driver’s door trim panel.

To program position 1, move the driver seat, mirrors and pedals (if equipped) to the desired  

position using the associated controls. Press the SET control. The SET control indicator light will briefly 

illuminate. While the light is illuminated, press control 1. Repeat this procedure to program position 2. 

The vehicle must be stationary (in Park or Neutral) to recall a position setting.

TailgaTe sTeP (if equipped)

Your vehicle may be equipped with a feature that allows easy entry into the truck 

bed. To use the tailgate step, open the tailgate. Pull the yellow latch lever to the 

unlock position to release the grab handle from its stowed position and raise the 

handle upright until you feel it latch and see the latch lever in the lock position. 

The yellow lever only needs to be used when releasing the grab handle. Rotate the 

center molding to unlatch the tailgate step. Pull the tailgate step out and down. Flip 

open the panel to widen the step. Always use the grab handle when stepping up or down on the tailgate step. Keep the 

step load (you + load) below 350 lbs. (159 kg).

To close the tailgate step, fold the step panel, then lift and fully slide the tailgate step into the tailgate. Pull up on the 

yellow latch lever at the bottom of the handle, then lower the handle. Never drive with the step deployed. Fully close 

and latch the tailgate step before moving the vehicle.

bed exTender (if equipped)

Your vehicle may be equipped with a cargo  

management feature in the pick-up box. To open the bed extender 

into tailgate mode, pull the locking pin toward the driver’s 

side of the vehicle. Rotate the storage hinge rearward 

to unlatch the panels and then rotate the panels 

toward the tailgate. Repeat for the other side of 

the bed extender. Finally, connect the two panels, 

then rotate both knobs a quarter turn clockwise 

to secure them. Ensure the latch rod is inserted 

into the tailgate hole and the locking pins on 

both sides are engaged into their holes in the 

pick-up box. Please refer to your Owner’s 

Guide for complete details on this feature.


reVerse camera sysTem (if equipped)


The reverse camera system provides a video image of the 

area behind the vehicle. The reverse camera system will 

automatically provide an image in the rear view mirror, when 

the transmission is placed in reverse.  This image will  

continue to be displayed on the mirror for a few seconds, 

once the transmission has been shifted out of reverse. 

The camera lens for the reverse camera system is located on the tailgate, 

near the tailgate handle. Keep the lens clean so the video image remains clear 

and undistorted. Clean the lens with a soft, lint-free cloth and non-abrasive 

cleaner. If the reverse camera system image is not clear or seems distorted 

it may be covered with water droplets, snow, mud or any other substance. If this 

occurs, clean the camera lens before using the reverse camera system.
The reverse camera system is not a replacement for the rear view and side view mirrors. Always make sure there are 

no people or objects behind the vehicle before using reverse. For complete details on the reverse camera system, 

please consult your Owner’s Guide.

Use extreme caution when using  
any device or feature that may take 
your attention off the road. Your 
primary responsibility is the safe 
operation of the vehicle. Only use  
non-essential features and devices 
when it is safe to do so.


 seTTing memOry PreseTs


To set a station: Select a frequency 
band with the AM/FM button, then 
select a station. Press and hold a 
numbered preset button until the 
sound returns. 


 TexT/scan FuncTiOn 


Press and hold for a brief sampling 
of radio stations or CD tracks. Press 
again to stop. In CD/MP3 mode, 
press and release to display track 
title, artist name, disc title and file 
name (if available). 


 am/Fm and cd selecT


In radio mode, press AM/FM to 
select AM, FM1 or FM2 frequency 
bands. Press CD to begin CD play.  
In CD mode, press AM/FM to stop 
CD play and begin radio play.  


 On/OFF/VOlume cOnTrOl


Press to turn ON or OFF. Turn to increase 
or decrease volume. 


 lOading cds


Press the LOAD button and then a 
preset number to load a CD. Press 
and hold LOAD to autoload up to  
6 CDs. 


 ejecTing cds


Press   to eject a CD. For the  
In-dash Six CD/MP3 system, press 
and hold to auto-eject all CDs  
present in the system. 


 seeK FuncTiOn


Press to access the next listenable 
station or CD track. 




Pressing the 

 button will mute 

the playing media. Pressing it again 
will return to the playing media.


 Tune/disc selecTOr


Press to go up or down the radio  
frequency or to select a desired disc. 
Also, use in menu mode to select 
various settings. 



CATEGORY: (satellite radio if 
equipped – early availability):


Press MENU until the current active 
category appears in the display 
MODE, press  /  to scroll through 
the list of available Sirius channel 
Categories. Press SEEK or SCAN to 
select the Category.

(if equipped – late availability):


Press MENU when satellite radio 
mode is active to access. Press 
OK to enter into the satellite radio 
menu. Press  /  to cycle through 
the following options: Category, Save 
Song, Delete Song, Delete All Songs,  
Enable Alerts/Disable Alerts.  

Satellite radio is available only with 
a valid SIRIUS radio subscription. 
Check with your authorized dealer 
for availability.

(if equipped): 

The volume  

automatically changes slightly with 
vehicle speed to compensate for 
road and wind noise. Press MENU to 
reach settings. Use SEEK to adjust. 


 Press MENU 

is displayed. Press up/down arrows, 
SEEK to adjust the hours/minutes. 



CONTROLS (if equipped):

 Press to 

cycle through FES/DVD (if equipped), 
SAT1, SAT2, SAT3 (satellite mode if 
equipped) or LINE IN (auxiliary mode 
if equipped).


 shuFFle FuncTiOn  

Plays tracks in random order. 




Press to access previous or next 
folder on MP3 discs, if folders  
are available. 

If your vehicle is equipped with a 
different radio, refer to your Owner’s 
Guide. If your vehicle is equipped 
with a navigation system, please 
refer to the navigation supplement.

duAl AutoMAtiC teMpeRAtuRe ContRol (dAtC) systeM




To engage automatic temperature 
control, press AUTO and select 
the desired temperature using the 
temperature control. The system will 
automatically determine fan speed, 
airflow location, A/C on or off, and 
outside or recirculated air to heat or 
cool the vehicle, allowing it to reach 
the desired temperature. 



TemPeraTure cOnTrOl


Press to Increase or decrease the  
temperature in the vehicle.




Press to display outside  
temperature. Press again to  
display cabin temperature settings. 


 Fan sPeed cOnTrOl


Press to Increase or decrease  
the fan speed. 


 heaTed seaT cOnTrOls


Press to turn the heated seats on 
and off. The heated seats turn off 
when the ignition is turned off. 


manual OVerride cOnTrOl


Allows you to manually select where 
airflow is directed. To return to full 
automatic control, press AUTO. 


 a/c cOnTrOl


Press to activate/deactivate air  
conditioning. Use with recirculated 
air to improve cooling performance 
and efficiency. Engages automatically 

in AUTO, 

 (defrost) and 




 recirculaTiOn cOnTrOl


Recirculates air in the cabin, thereby 
reducing the amount of time needed 
to cool down the interior of the 
vehicle when used with A/C. 


 dual: (single/dual electric 

temperature control)


Allows the driver to have full control 
of the cabin temperature settings 
(single zone) or allows the  
passenger to have control of their  
individual temperature settings  
(dual zone control). Press to turn 
on dual zone mode, press again to 
return to single zone.


 heaTed mirrOrs


Press to defrost the outside rear 
view mirrors. The heated mirrors 
will turn off after 10 minutes or can 
be shut off by pressing the button 
again. Please refer to Power Mirrors 
in the Driver Controls chapter of your 
Owner’s Guide for more information.




Use to clear ice or fog from the  
windshield by distributing air through 
the windshield defroster and 
demister vents.

max a/c OPeraTiOn

Automatic Operation:

 Press AUTO 

for full automatic operation. Do not
override A/C or recirculated air.  
Set the temperature to 60˚F (16˚C). 

Override Operation:

 Select air 

distribution. Select A/C and  
recirculated air. Use recirculated air 
with A/C to provide colder airflow. 
Set temperature to 60˚F (16˚C). Set 
to highest front fan speed initially, 
then adjust to maintain comfort.

raPid heaT



inTeriOr heaTer (if equipped)


If your vehicle is equipped with a 
diesel engine, it may be equipped 
with a supplemental heater to assist 
in heating the inside of your vehicle 
in cold weather. When you start your 
vehicle and turn the climate control 
on and the engine coolant  
temperature is below a preset level, 
the supplemental heater will  
automatically activate to aid the  
climate control system in heating 
your vehicle more quickly.  

The supplemental heater is most  
effective when using a mid to lower 
fan speed setting.

For complete details on these and 
other climate control features or 
if your vehicle is equipped with a 
climate control system other than 
the one shown, please refer to your 
Owner’s Guide.




























Ford Motor Company Customer Relationship Center
P.O. Box 6248




Dearborn, MI 48121

1-800-392-3673 (FORD)
(TDD for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)

This Quick Reference Guide is not intended to replace your vehicle Owner’s Guide which contains more 
detailed information concerning the features of your vehicle, as well as important safety warnings designed to 
help reduce the risk of injury to you and your occupants. Please read your entire Owner’s Guide carefully as 
you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer to the appropriate chapters when questions arise.

All information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We reserve 
the right to change features, operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time. Your Ford 
dealer is the best source for the most current information. For detailed operating and safety information, 
please consult your Owner’s Guide.

June 2007

Third Printing

Quick Reference Guide

Super Duty

Litho in U.S.A.

8C3J 19G217 CA

Audiophile in-dAsh six Cd/Mp3/sAtellite CoMpAtible sound systeM 

(if equipped)


duAl AutoMAtiC teMpeRAtuRe ContRol (dAtC) systeM  


