uSing SYnc TO AcceSS digiTAL MediA
Your vehicle includes a concealed SYNC media hub. The multiple inputs allow
you to plug in your USB media devices such as phones and MP3 players, and use
SYNC to play all of your favorite music.
Note: SYNC indexes all of your music. The more music that is stored on your
device, the longer it takes SYNC to index.
uSing VOice cOMMAndS TO PLAY MuSic
1. Plug your media player into your USB port.
2. Press the voice button
. When prompted, say
and then follow
up by saying a voice command.
3. You will hear the command repeated back to you and the selected
item will play.
SYNC AppLink allows you voice access
to select mobile applications that you
already have or can download to your
Android™, BlackBerry
or iPhone
. Current
apps available include Pandora Internet
, Stitcher Smart Radio™, Open Beak
(BlackBerry exclusive), iHeartRadio, Slacker,
NPR News, SYNC Destinations and more.
Note: AppLink is not available with
MyFord Touch systems.
uSing SYnc APPLink
1. Create your app account and personalize your app settings, if required.
2. Download the latest mobile app through your smartphone’s marketplace.
3. Switch on your ignition.
4. Pair the phone to a SYNC AppLink vehicle. If your phone is already paired to
the vehicle, it connects automatically when you enter.
5. To access and use apps through SYNC with your iPhone, you must also
connect the Apple
-provided USB cable and start the application. Android
and BlackBerry connect wirelessly using SYNC AppLink.
6. Now you’re ready to voice-access the app by pressing the voice button and
saying “mobile apps” and then the name of the app you want.
For more information on SYNC, please visit the website or use the toll-free
number. See the inside front cover of this guide for details.
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