303-01B-58 Engine — 1.6L / 1.3L RoCam 303-01B-58
E6639 EN 07/2001 2002 Bantam
Exhaust Manifold (21 186 0)
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. For
additional information,
3. Disconnect the exhaust down pipe from the
exhaust manifold and position it to one side.
1. Remove the nuts.
2. Detach the exhaust hanger insulator.
• Remove and discard the gasket.
4. Lower the vehicle.
CAUTION: Do not pull the cable when
removing the spark plug connector. If
necessary remove the ignition cables
from the ignition coil to prevent
kinking the cables. Turn the spark
plug connector slightly before
removing to loosen the seal.
CAUTION: Pull off the spark plug
connectors in line with the spark plug
(for bent spark plug connectors use
Special Tool 303-662).
Pull off the spark plug connector.
6. Remove the electronic ignition (EI) coil and
position it to one side.