1. Prior to Starting
1-1. Overview
The FVW-700 system displays lines, objects, images, and movies onto video images in real time.
Creating custom icons allow you to control the application via a touch screen. It is ideal for live
broadcast environments, including weather news and sports.
1-2. Features
Draw and point in real-time over input video
Straight line, free-hand, and pre-programmed graphic shape mode available
Numbering, still images and animation placement over input video
Various types of lines, thickness, edge-width and colors
Highlight function
DSK function - Enables and disables the Video Writer object to be output onto input video.
Simple operation with draw tool, function, setting and background icons.
Freely assignable custom buttons for various tools (Add, Delete, or change Properties)
Touch panel calibration
Chromakey function
1-3. Precautions on FVW-700 Use
When using the FVW-700, note the following points.
Windows 10 is used and the OS is custormized for FVW-700.
Do not change OS settings.
Do not install software programs other than specific softwares.
Note that the C: drive of the FVW-700 is write-protected. Do not add folders and files to the C:
drive. If files are saved to the C: drive, Windows OS may hang up. Although files are
successflly saved to C: drive, the files will be lost when power is turned off.
Save all folders and files to D: drive.