Focus Bikes R.A.T. Manual Download Page 1

Insert the R.A.T. axle with open lever in the 
correct position.The T-end of the axle should 
be aligned with the insert. 

Rotate the axle 90° clockwise till the T-End is 
stopped by the insert. Never overtighten the 
axle or use a lot of force to turn it. 
The axle should rotate easily.

Flip the lever appr. 180° until it stops.

Turn to adjust play

If the lever is clamping to much/less adjust the 
preload nut until the lever is clamping stoutly.

Incorrect closed lever or low clamping force could 
result in disengagement of the wheel may result in 
injuries or death




R . A . T .   t h r u


- a x l e


s   a r e   s o l d   u


n d e r   l i c e n c e   i n   t h e   U K   ( U K   p a t e n t   G B 2 4 1 4 9 7 1 B )
