7.11 A.B.S.
Check the throttle function in the model structure, and add [A.B.S.] function interface in the model function
menu. This function helps prevent brake lock and improve brake performance by pulse braking, to achieve the
best braking effect and cornering control effect without drifting and under-turning.
Function Settings:
In the anti-lock brake menu, you can set five functions: [Return], [Delay], [Cycle], [Point] and [Duty]. In the
submenu, the brake pulse is displayed by a square wave. The peak indicates maximum brake pressure and the
trough indicates reduction of brake pressure.
When the value changes, the square wave pattern also changes to indicate the current setting of the function.
The trigger point is the gray horizontal dashed line in the diagram.
The lower progress bar shows real-time brake position. When the function is on, touch the brake to view the green
progress bar to see status of the automatic brake.
Set the amount of brake pressure to be reduced by each impulse. The
setting range is 0% to 100%. The default value is 50%. If the value is set
to 60%, the system will reduce the pressure by 60% from each brake
impulse when the brake is triggered.
It is used to set the interval between pulses. The setting range
is 20% to 100%. The default value is 50%. The larger the value,
the longer the interval time between pulses. The value 100%
indicates the interval is 0.5S.
It is used to set the delay time for the automatic brake function to take
effect. The range is 0% to 100%. The default value is 0%. The higher the
value, the slower the automatic brake function will take effect. When
the value is set to 0%, there is no delay, i.e. the auto brake function
takes effect immediately when the brake is triggered. When the value is
set to 100%, the delay is 2S.
It is used to set the start position of auto-brake function. The setting
range is 20% to 100%. The default value is 30%. The higher the
value, the closer the stick position that triggers the automatic brake
function is to the full brake position.0%-100% is the entire travel
amount of the brake end of the trigger.