DTX-NSM Instruction Sheet/English
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PN 2544310 (English) January 2006
2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Network Service Module
Getting Started Guide
The DTX-NSM Network Service Module lets you do the following:
Verify connection to the network, including connection speed, duplex
configuration, link wiring, and PoE service (wiring and PoE functions for
twisted pair only)
Ping IP addresses
Monitor network traffic for utilization, collisions, errors, and broadcast
Blink a port's activity LED
Use Fluke Networks LinkRunner
Cable ID locators (optional) to identify link
connections at a patch panel (twisted pair only)
Running network tests on a fiber link requires an optional SFP module.
Accessing the Product Manuals
This guide provides basic information to help you get started using the module.
For more detailed information, see the latest versions of the DTX Series Users
Manual and the DTX Series Technical Reference Handbook provided on the DTX
Product Manuals CD and on the Fluke Networks website.