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© 1998-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
To go to a DISPLAY other than RATE, press [DISPLAY] and make a new
DISPLAY choice.
To activate the AVERAGE DISPLAY and/or adjust the period of time over which
averaging occurs.
See Section 3.4.6, PRINCIPLE.
To access the AVERAGE DISPLAY, press
and select
The display is:
1. Edit field for averaging period in seconds.
Default is 20. Minimum 3, maximum 999.
Averaging Period:
20 s
Edit the averaging time period if desired. Pressing
returns to the MAIN
run screen with the AVERAGE DISPLAY active.
With the AVERAGE DISPLAY active the MAIN run screen is:
1. Average flow measured over last completed
averaging period.
2. Standard deviation of last completed
averaging period.
Countdown in seconds until completion of on-
going averaging period.
* 101.99 sccm N20
0.06 18 sec
The AVERAGE DISPLAY has a second screen that allows the instantaneous
flow readings to be viewed while an averaging cycle is running. Pressing
toggles between the MAIN run AVERAGE screen and the instantaneous values
AVERAGE screen. The instantaneous AVERAGE screen is:
1. Instantaneous flow value at molbox RFM’s
normal integration rate.
Countdown in seconds until completion of on-
going averaging period.
Current rate of change of flow in flow unit of
* 101.59 sccm N20
R 0.0025 18 sec