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Water heat exchanger
Unit equipped with fan heater and fitting set, including 3-way mixing valve and circuit pump. System is secured by temperature
sensor mounted in exhaust duct. Connecting valve with circuit pump can be done only by authorized service. Please make sure
that installation is filled, sealed and vented. After launching please check valve and circuit pump. At the end please check inlet
temperature with requested temperature.
Make sure there is easy service access to the connection stub.
To protect the components of the Cube units, filling of the water systems is required all year round.
To avoid water exchanger damage caused by freezing, if electrical power is not available, glycol must be used as a
Cube units are equipped with anti-frost system which forces refrigerant flow through water exchanger after reaching
critical temperature. This system is operational even when the unit is switched off..
Units with the NWS / NWL module are equipped with a passive frost protection system when the heater is installed in
the supply air module and with an active and passive frost protection system when the heater is installed in a rooftop
Water cooler
In case of water cooler, the procedure is similar to fan heater. Water cooler installed by qualified staff needs checks by controlling
requested temperatures. Proper cooler working depends on proper cooling system work.
Rotational exchanger
If unit is equipped with rotational exchanger, please check it by setting different outlet temperatures together with condenser
All fans in units are pre-installed and do not need control. Because of inner electronic switched fan construction a check is done
by determining fan’s proper rotation and proper air flow. Such fans are not equipped with drive belts or inverters, what makes
check during launch impossible.
Unit’s launching procedure requires proper work of recirculation, shut off, or by-pass damper if installed. Please check if damper is
working freely by pressing actuator switch which will release it from interlocking and checking manual force needed to open the
damper. It should rotate freely with no resistance. Next checks involve examining working damper with requested parameters.
Automation control systems
Cube units are equipped with Climatix control system. First launch is conducted by qualified manufacturer’s staff that checks
proper configuration and connections depending on model. In case of improper working of control system please contact
manufacturer’s service.