• Please read through the manual before using.
• Please according to the manual's order to proceeding operation.
• Please store small parts only in places out of the reach of children, to avoid danger.
• Never leave the battery unattended during charging, to avoid the battery overheat and
result in serious danger.
• Never throw Li-Polymer batteries in afire, to avoid unexpected danger.
• Operating must be caution each parts from the body, never close to the rotary propeller.
• Never attempt to dismantle or modify the parts lest it will cause damage.
1.1 Instruction Of Aircraft Components And Accessories
1.2 Instruction O f Functions O f Remote Control
Inverted Flight Mode
Headless Mode
Forward And Backward
Left And Right
Turning Fine-tuning
1.3 Install The Remote Controller Battery
1.3.1 Remove the battery cover.
1.3.2 Install 3 "AAA" batteries, according to the correct polarity.
1.3.3 Close the battery cover.
Battery Cover
3X1.5V "AAA" batteries
3.1 Boot (Fault) Program
Four-in-one gyro re ce iver o f your rem ote control fou r-axis a ircra ft has fau lt protection
function. This is designed to ensure that the motor does not start when the model doesn't
receive remote control signal, the battery pow er failures and other failures, thus playing
the protection function.
The startup sequence is as follows:
3.1.1 First, attach the e lectric o utlet o f the a ircra ft to the plug,
put it on the ground (the LED lights on the a ircraft will flash at
this tim e.)
3.1.2 Then switch on the remote control power switch, then the
red LED light is flashing, push the right control rod (throttle) to
the top and to the bottom , the a ircra ft's rem ote co ntro l start
code m atching, p lease d o n 't touch o th e r co ntro l rods o r fine
tun e key before code m a tching , o r the flig h t may d rift. A fte r
code matching, the power indicator light o f remote control and
LED light on aircraft will keep on.
3.2 Operation And Control
Note: avoid o ut o f co ntro l, in the co ntro l o f m oving o f fo u r-a x is a ircra ft, a lw a ys pay
attention to slowly manipulate the jo ystick to control, the aircraft will lose a bit of power in
the process of remote control, so you can add a little extra throttle to keep a certain height
of flight in training.
Rightward rotate
The left joystick controls up/down of
four-axis aircraft
The right control rod controls forward/
backward of four-axis aircraft
The right control rod controls leftward/
rightward flying of four-axis aircraft
3.3 Fine Tuning
If th e a ir c r a ft e n c o u n te r s (r o ta tio n /fo r w a r d a nd
backw ard/leftw ard and rightw ard) o ffset in the flying,
c lic k the co rre s p o n d in g fin e tu n in g ke y in re ve rse
direction for adjustment. For exam ple:the aircraft has
forward deviation, click "forward/backward fine-tuning"
key to adjust as shown in figure.
Two modes are available for the aircraft: low (40%)- high (100%).
Toggle "speed conversion switch" for setting:
Press the p ow e r su pp ly in dicato rs until you hear “d i” , the
is set in low mode
Press the power supply indicators until you hear “d i.di” , the aircraft is set in high mode
(sensitivity: 100%)
Through this switch, adjust the sensitivity of the aircraft, the greater the sensitivity is,
the faster the micro-four-axis will response and it will be slower on the contrary.
4.1 Aerial Rolling Skill
The aircraft, through the following control, can take 360-degree roll flight.
In o rd er to b etter p erform rolling fun ctio n, ensure tha t the a ircra ft m a in tain s 3
meters above the ground to fly, the best is to operate the model for rolling in the
process of rising, then after rolling o f aircraft, it is easier to maintain a height.
4.2 Leftward Rolling
Click on the "single roll", then
push the right control rod to the
left, then push the control rod to
the middle position.
4.3 Rightward Rolling
Click on the "single roll", then
push the right control rod to the
right, then push the control rod
to the middle position.
4.4 Forward Rolling
Click on the "single roll", and
then push forward the right
control rod, then push the
joystick to the middle position.
4.5 Backward Rolling
Click on the "single roll", and
then push backward the right
control rod, then push the
joystick to the middle position.
Installation and disassembly of blade
The blade of the four-axis aircraft is not the same for every piece. Each blade is marked
w ith "A " o r "B ". W h e n in s ta ll th e b la d e , p le a se c o rre c tly in s ta ll a c c o rd in g to the
corresponding tag as shown below. When the blade is not properly installed, the micro
four-axis will be unable to take off,or rollover or throw.
Installation: pinch the blade's little hat,
press down in aligning to the motor shaft.
During flight, when you press headless mode button, the aircraft will autom atically lock
into the ta ke -o ff direction, reg ard le ss o f its position or stance. W hen you find a ircra ft
leaves you so far away that you may not know what direction it is, you lu s t click on the
headless mode, then tne aircraft w ill return under your control; or click the back button,
the aircraft will be back.
6.1 The drive head must face forwards when you check the code (or the direction will be
disordered when you set the headless mode or back mode.)
6.2 When you use headless mode, press the headless mode button, and the aircraft will
automatically lock into the take-off direction.
6.3 When you don’ t need headless mode anymore, press the button again to quit.
6.4 When you use automatic return, press the back button, and the aircraft will be back.
6.5 During the automatic return, you can manually control the right and left directions.
Press the forwards operating level, and the aircraft will exit tne automatic return and
entry headless mode.
Warning: Please choose open place and avoid the crowds when you play the aircraft.
Frequency correction is needed before take-off, and the light is on after correction. Control
the operating lever slowly when the aircraft moves to keep it under your control. The aircraft
will loss a little power during the operation, added a little extra gas to make aircraft to keep
a certain height.
1. The remote control cannot match code with fine-tuning four-axis
Answer: Check whether the remote control's throttle is pushed to the lowest value, when
start to match code, do not move any other rocker and fine-tuning.
2. The propeller does not rotate, or takes very slow reaction
(1) Lithium battery quantity is low; (2) The is need to re-match code; (3) Push the
throttle to the lowest value to let micro four-axis land, after pause for 3 seconds, take off again.
3 Cannot roll
Answer: Lithium battery with too low quantity needs charging
4. The micro four-axis in flight is shaking or vibrating, with great noise
Answer : Check whether the motor, casing and blades are installed correctly.
5. The blade cannot rotate, and take off
------------------- r r o n t *
Answer : Check whether the A/B blade is
installed correctly, please achieve
correct installation of blade
as shown below.
6. One or more of the motor does not rotate
The motor is out of order, add a new motor;
(2) The motor line falls off, welding line is needed;
(3) A transistor on the emission board in the remote controller is burnt out, and use a new remote
7. After re-calibrate, micro four-axis still drifts in suspension
Put the micro four-axis in a horizontal plane, pad several layers of paper in the azimuth of drift (the
thickness of the paper depends on the degree of drift), then the accelerometer can be calibrated
on the horizontal plane , so as to solve the drift problem.
The upper cover of
The bottom cover of
machine body
machine body
USB Charger
Remote control device
Connect the battery with the charging
lin e , th e n in s e rt th e USB ch a rg in g
c a b le in to th e c o m p u t e r 's U S E
interface or other chargers connected
with USB, and then connect the power
supply. When the light is on, it is being
c h a rg e d , w h en the la m p is on, it is
fu lly c h a rg e d . In a d d itio n to A p p le
charger, the USB ch argin g cab le can
be connected to the ch arge r of o ther
in te llig e n t m o b ile p ho ne s o r m o b ile
p o w e r s u p p ly , o r U S B in te rfa c e o f
ve hicle fo r charging. Volta g e at USB
interface is +5+0.5V.