Air Release Valves
Installation Instructions
Model Miniair® 3/8” thru 2”
Flomatic Corporation
Flomatic Valves, 15 Pruyn’s Island, Glens Falls, New York 12801
Phone: 518-761-9797 Fax: 518-761-9798 www.flomatic.com
Rev. D
Flomatic Miniair
valves are designed to release air from the system while it is under pressure and
in operation. The valve is normal open and will expel air through the orifice. As fluid fills the system
and air is dissipated, the float rises and the valve plunger slow closes the orifice off. As air
accumulate in the valve displacing the water, the float drops and the lever opens the valve plunger.
NOTE: Valve is not for fuel service, waste water or any fluid that contains suspended solids.
For waste water or solids refer to Sewair valves.
Installation must be performed by qualified, licensed personnel only.
Remove all plastic protection plugs that are covering inlet and outlet threads.
The Flomatic Miniair
should only be installed in a vertical position
with inlet down at the high
points in the system making sure that the inlet piping is at an angle that will not allow debris to
obstruct the inlet. A shut-off valve should be installed below of the Miniair
so the valve can be
isolated from system pressure if servicing is required.
Make sure there is sufficient room around the valve so maintenance using the optional backflush
attachments is possible. Valve must be supported properly, must have freeze protection, and
adequate drainage as there is fluid discharge when the valve is closing.
The Miniair
requires no schedule maintain, but should be inspected & tested periodically. A drain
valve should be installed where the lower plug is located for ease of flushing, testing and draining.
1. Make sure the valve is isolated from the system, by closing the shut-off valve.
2. Install a drain valve where the bottom drain plug is located.
3. Open the shut-off valve.
4. Slow open the drain valve until flow can be heard. If water is released the valve is
working properly, if air is released the valve should be tested further (follow steps
5. Close the shut-off valve.
6. Open the drain valve to allow fluid to drain (if it is hard to get the valve to drain see
trouble shooting guide) & then close the drain valve.
7. Slowly open the shut-off valve to fill the valve.
8. Note the actions of the valve as it closes, if leakage take place see the trouble
shooting guide.