Camera Link Module Accessory
October 2011
Page 13 of 16
Once you remove the cover, you will be able to remove the R11 resistor. It is on the top right corner with
a printed “0” on it.
Figure 14: Photo of R11
Figure 15: Board Layout of R11
After this resistor is removed, clean the area with Isopropyl Alcohol to remove flux. You can now put the
cover back on the board and replace both the jack screws on the Camera Link connector and the screws
on the bottom of the board.
The Camera Link Expansion Board will now Power the Tau camera over USB, communicate with RS-
422 serial communications over Camera Link, transmit digital data over Camera Link, and transmit
analog video using the MCX connection.
Communication with Camera Link frame grabber
Communication has been verified to work with the IMPERX FrameLink Express. This model is
ExpressCard/54 compliant and requires a 54 mm ExpressCard slot on a laptop or a PCI Adapter for use
with a desktop computer. An example for this is the “Best Connectivity ExpressCard to PCI-Express
Conversion Card SD-PEX-EXPC”. For more information on the IMPERX frame grabber consult the
manufacturer’s website:
Using the FrameLink Express software that is provided by IMPERX, it is possible to click View =>
Terminal. You must then check the HEX radio buttons for both receive and send and select a baud rate of
57600. Note that the IMPERX FrameLink Express is not capable of communicated at baud rates
exceeding 115200 and so the FLIR Tau option of 921600 is not available. This Terminal window will
allow you to manually enter HEX commands. Refer to the Tau Software IDD for a list of available
software commands. Test communications by sending the DoFFC command (6e 00 00 0c 00 00 aa da 00
00). This command will cause the image to freeze momentarily and you will hear the shutter click. Verify
the response from the camera.