TAU-0640-00-10, version 110
June 2011
The Tau 640 camera is a long-wavelength (8 – 14 microns) uncooled microbolometer camera
designed for infrared imaging applications that demand absolute minimum size, weight, and
power consumption. It is available with multiple different lens focal length options, as well as
lens-less (not shown) and narrow-field-of-view (NFOV) options.
The Tau 640 Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) enables camera control using one of several
programming languages including VB6, VB.net, C#, and C++ (MFC). The FLIR Camera
Controller GUI is an example of an application created using the SDK—See “Software Accessory
SDK for Windows & Embedded” on page 2-4.
Figure 1-1: Tau 640 Cameras
The camera provides “power-in, video-out” capability, which means that one need only apply input
voltage to receive analog video. For those applications requiring serial control, the Tau 640
camera includes a serial interface (RS-232) for transmitting camera commands and receiving
status. The Tau 640 camera also provides 8-bit and 14-bit digital data options, including CMOS,
BT.656, and the Legacy Photon LVDS—See “Tau 640 Digital Data Channel” on page 4-1.
13 mm
(45° HFOV)
19 mm
(32° HFOV)
60 mm
(10.4° HFOV)
35 mm
100 mm
(6.2° HFOV)
25 mm
(25° HFOV)
(18° HFOV)