Detector type
The application can use either the thermal data stream or the visual data stream to de-
tect faces.
• Use the
Detector type
list to select thermal or visual face detection.
Image settings
These settings apply to the live camera images in the operator window.
• Select the
Mirror image
check boxes to mirror (flip) the image.
• Use the
Image orientation
list to select portrait or landscape orientation.
Region of interest
The system is looking for faces in a part of the image which is called the region-of-inter-
est. On the
page, the dotted box indicates the region-of-interest for the face
• The
Initial size
values define the size of the region-of-interest box (in percentage of
the image).
User screen
The settings on the
User screen
tab apply to the visitor window.
Custom status messages
• Use these fields to change the status messages. You may, for example, want to trans-
late the messages to your local language.
Font size
• Select the font size for the status messages.
Visibility settings
• Use the
Screen orientation
list to select portrait or landscape orientation.
• Select the
Show secondary image
check box to display both thermal and visual video.
• Use the
Show hats/glasses/masks
check boxes to select what symbols to display.
Display of the glasses symbol is recommended (select the
Show glasses
check box). Removing eyeglasses is crucial for a correct screening result.
• Select the
Enable animations
check box to have a moving blue line in the visitor win-
dow, indicating that the system is in operation.
• Use the
Swap video streams
check box to select the display of thermal or visual video
in the main image.
FLIR Screen-EST can be configured to save images and data when an elevated skin
temperature is detected. It is the responsibility of your company to handle any saved im-
ages and data in accordance with applicable local data protection laws.
Output options
• When the
Save dual snapshot separately
check box is selected, a separate visual im-
age will be saved in addition to the combined thermal and visual image.
• When the
Open output folder after saving snapshot
check box is selected, the folder
with the saved image will open when the saving is completed.
• To change the file path to the folder where you want to store saved images, click
and then select the folder.
• When the
Log alarms to output folder
check box is selected, an image (combined
thermal and visual image) and a data file (*.csv) is automatically saved when an ele-
vated skin temperature is detected. By default, this check box is cleared and no im-
ages are saved automatically.
#T810570; r. AA/72255/72255; en-US