FT-111(D) Panel Weighing Indicator, Technical Manual, Rev.1.0.0, May 2019
Next verification date
The instrument warns the operator on the following verification or calibration date, if date is entered. The
warning is disappeared after pressing
key until switch on the instrument again.
5.3 Alibi Memory
You can fulfill your weight data recording obligations with the alibi memory in certified operation without having paper
archive. The weight data is saved into the alibi memory after every weighing operation together with date and time. The alibi
record number may also be found on the printout data.
The alibi memory recording principle is a loop memory which is deletes the oldest record after the capacity limit
99 999 reached to overwrite the latest weighing. You can quickly access to the record of specific weighing by
entering the suitable search criteria.
Activating Alibi Memory
1. Go to the parameter [ 8-- METROLOGY] main block in set up.
2. Press key 2 times to access parameter 811.
3. Press
key after selecting YES in the parameter.
4. Press
key until [ SAVE : YES ] prompt appears on the display and press
key to save
the changes into the memory. [ E42 NEW ALIBI ] message appears.
5. Press
key to start Alibi memory.
How is the Data Recorded into the Alibi Memory?
After the following actions the transferred data is recorded into the alibi memory:
1. Press
key to print the label,
2. Automatic printing (automatic print data transferring),
3. Interface command ASCII < P >,
4. BSI commands, which request the stable weight,
5. Print commands of fieldbus interfaces,
6. Digital < Print > input.
Recall Data from Alibi Memory
You may display the alibi record by selecting the criteria which are alibi number, date, net weight, gross weight
or tare weight. You also may transfer alibi memory records to your PC.
Access to Alibi records:
1. Go to the parameter [ 8-- METROLOGY] main block in set up.
2. Press key 4 times to access parameter 813.
3. Select the suitable criteria by pressing
keys, which are NUM (Alibi number),
DATE (weighing date), NET (net weight), GROS (gross weight), TARE (tare weight) or CN
(consecutive number ).
Alibi records displaying sequence on the display:
The alibi record of the selected weighing is displayed in the sequence below.
1. Alibi record number
2. Date
3. Time
4. Gross weight
5. Net weight
6. Tare weight
7. Consecutive number