FAD-40 Technical Manual, Rev.2.1.0; February 2022
Page 11 of 55
3.3. Commissioning
Please read this manual carefully before energizing the instrument. Perform the commissioning
operation according the procedure given in this chapter. Only trained persons are allowed for cleaning,
commissioning, checking and servicing of the instrument. The interference of untrained person may cause
some unwanted damages or injuries.
Before energizing the instrument, please make the required mechanical and electrical installations. After power
on, you have to setup your FAD-40 instrument before you can start to use the bus interface.
Install the xFace software onto your PC as described in chapter 5 Setup. The xFace software is used for setup,
calibration and testing of FAD-40 instruments.
After you have successfully checked the performance of the instrument with xFace, you can begin to use the
instrument in your application.