b) If the desired airport or station identifier is not shown, perform step 3.
3) Select the data entry button at the top of the page. Enter the ICAO or station ident using
the displayed alphanumeric keypad. Select the ENTER button.
4) To exit the overlay, select the OK button.
5) Select the desired position in the aircraft relative repositions boundary box located at the
top left portion of the page, then EXECUTE REPOSITION to execute the reposition. The
new destination airport ident appears at the top right portion of the page.
Parameter Change
The Parameter Change overlay is accessed by selecting the PARAMETER CHANGE overlay button on
the Active Airport page. See Figure 3-5. The Parameter Change overlay is used to enter in the desired
values for Speed, Altitude, Heading, Longitude, and Latitude for the aircraft. The Parameter Change
overlay consists of three data entry buttons that display a numeric keypad for entering the desired parameter
value. The LAT, LON button displays the Change Lat Lon overlay. See Figure 3-6. From this overlay
the instructor can change the latitudinal and longitudinal position of the aircraft. Choosing either the Lat
button or the Lon button will display its keypad. The desired value can then be entered. To close the
Parameter Change overlay, select the OK direct entry button. The entered data will display in the boundary
box display area.
Figure 3-4. Destination Airport
TM-3-B 737-IOS1-007
B 737
JAN 2001