Fleetwood 2000 American Dream Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 2000 American Dream

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Page 3: ...re erved No parl oft lis publication mlly b reproduced Or tran milled mllny form or by any means electn mk ormcchllni al ineludingphotocopying recording or by any informlion storage 01 Ietrj val system wi hOlIl written p rmi ioll from Flcctwopd Enl rpl i cs inc ...


Page 5: ...rated in their coaches optional tours and activities the latest info frolll Fleetwood s American Coach Division and new eO lches displ lyed by dealers AM ER ICA COACH ASSOCI ATI0 N members also receive a11ewslctter which gives infolmalion on upcoming ral1ies and news from the regional chapters including inform ltion on their rallies And ofcourse new members are always recognized and weleomed in th...

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Page 7: ...L TN MODEL ___ YEAR LICit STArE DUES Usc this charllo dctelmine your dues a ording to lllon hjoincd JULY 36 00 NOVEMBER 24 00 MARCH 12 00 AUG 33 00 DECEMBER 21 00 APlUL 9 00 SEPT 30 00 JANUARY 18 00 MAY 6 00 Ocr 27 00 FEBRUARY 15 00 TIJNE 3 00 INITlATION FEE 14 00 TOTAL PAID Membership in AMERICAN COACH ASSOClAT10N j cOllfllled to owners of FLEETWOOD AMERICAN EAGLE AMERICAN DREAM AMERICAN TRADlTIO...

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Page 9: ...hcr in lutc Summer or early F ll The Americalr oach service learn llue l our rallies lu proville service and repair and one or morc dealer allend 10 di play demonstrate and selJ nell coache To he eligihle to join you Iml t own at least a one Ihin hare in an American Eagle American Dream American1 r dj jon or Limi cd motor home and be a member in good tanding of I MCA Ple se consider joining OUl gr...

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Page 11: ... DOES NOT RESOLVE THE PROBLEM d m g Pi unoille 0 ow it pmb om h co lneed 10 I red b ili 1 lO 001 hould he mb 001 11 0 a bo h obl m nd ilia tam io 01 WHAT IS NOT COVERED BYTHE EXPRESS WARRANTY THIS WARRANTY DOCS fKlT COVER THE AUTOM07 V SYS reM l flCLlJDING lliE CHASSIS AND DRIVe RAIN TI eS AND BATTERIES WHIG Affio COVER D BY lliE SEPARATE WARRAN S OF THE RE3PECT VE MANUFAGlUREAS 01 H Sf COMPflNHIT...



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Page 15: ...1 8 Vehide Crm h 1 8 Vehicle Handling 1 9 yellide Response 1 9 Vehicle Towing 1 9 Allemlions 10 Your Molar Home 1 10 Mailltenace J J1 Warnillg I evices 1 11 2 AIR BRAKE SYST EM How Dues ABS Work 2 1 ABS Wamillg Lamp 2 1 System Compunents 2 2 Air Compressor 2 2 Air Tunks 2 2 Air Iyer 2 3 The Brake Pedal 2 3 Spring Brake 2 3 Air Gauges 2 3 Parki l J Brake 2 4 Using Air Brakes 2 5 Stopping Dilltallce...

Page 16: ... 9 1 Driving On owngrades 9 3 Using The Engine To Slow The Motor Home 9 3 Gear Preselection 9 3 Exhaust Brake 9 4 Mirrors and Parking 9 4 General Driving Tips 9 5 10 ELRCTRICAL CHASSIS SYSTfu 1S Auxiliary Start System 10 2 11 ELECTRICAL HOUSR SYSTEMS _ 12 AND 120 VOLT 12 Voil System 11 1 Battery Disconnect c 11 1 BaHery Inspection and Care 11 2 Battery Charging 11 3 Solar Pancl 11 4 Selecting A Re...

Page 17: ...ital Satellite System Optional 16 3 17 ENTRY STEP Pneumatic Stepwell Cover 17 2 StepWffl Cnver OpemliOI1 17 2 18 EXHAUST SYSTEM HEAT 19 EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Exterior Finish 19 1 Stains 19 3 Windows Doors Vent and Locks 19 1 Fiberglass Roo Sy lem 19 3 Care 19 4 Sealant Renewal 19 4 Door Window Roof Component and Molding Rescaling 19 4 Stainless Steel Bnmpers 19 5 Aluminum Wheels J9 6 Rody Umlercoal...

Page 18: ...URNACE S Furnace Fi Iter Replacement 24 1 25 GENERATOR Generator Fuel Supply 25 1 Generator Operation 25 1 Generatur Operating Safety Precautions 25 2 Genel1 tor Cooling Systell1 25 4 Generator Mainienam e 25 4 26 INTERIOR AND FURNISHINGS Effects of Lnng Term Occupancy 26 1 Ventilation and Contrulling Cundensatiun 26 2 Ventilate with Out ide Air 26 2 Reduce Mois llre Refewied jllsiil the Mutur Hom...

Page 19: ...fely Precautions 2S 2 System Componcnts 2ll 4 Iloses 28 4 LI Gas Regulator 2ll 5 U ing LP Gas At J ow Temperatul eS c 28 5 Filling J P Gas Tanks 28 7 J p Ga Syslem I cak Checks 28 8 LP Leak Detel lur 28 Lighting Ll Ga Appliances 28 10 29 MAINTRNANCECHART 30 MONJTOR PANEL Fluid Monitor Panel 30 1 Link 1000 Inst1UlTIcntalion and Control Panel 30 2 31 MOTOR HOl ll E LOADING Rcspon ihilily For PropCI ...

Page 20: ... 2 Safety Bell Maintenance 35 3 Safety Re traint for Children 35 3 Safety Helts for Children 35 3 Safety Seat for Children 35 4 36 SERVICE Sugge tions for Obtaining Servi ee for Your Motor Home 36 2 37 STORAGE Extelior Compartments 37 J 1ntel ior Storage 37 2 38 STORING THE MOTOR HOME S10n ge Che klisls 38 1 Short Term Storage 38 1 Long Term Storage 38 3 Reactivating the Motor Home After Storage 3...

Page 21: ...lush System Operation _ 42 1 Holding Tank Care 42 4 43 WATER HEATRR LP IZO Volt Water Heater 43 1 Water Heater Bypass Valve 43 2 44 WINDOWS Dual Pane Windows w 44 1 Hme1b eIll Exil Window 44 1 Power Windows 44 1 45 WINTERIZATION Water System Winterizing 45 1 46 SPECIFICATIONS Lumps and Bulbs 46 1 fuses and Circuit Breakers 46 2 120 Volt Circuits 46 2 12 Voll Circuils 46 2 111nk Capadtic 46 4 Exter...

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Page 23: ...th the molor home in the Owner s IitformationPacl age and cilUssisOperatOl sl Owner s GnideJManual This infonnaiionoutlines impOltantafc lS ofmaill tcnan and providc u maintenance schedule t lf y iU to follow or safe trouble free servicefrom your motor home Study these insllUctions carefully beforc you operate the motor home for the first time A good working knowledge of YOllf motor home and how t...

Page 24: ... or intended to be used as permanent housing Use of Ihis product for long term or permanent occupancy may lead to premature deterioration of interior finishes fabrics carpeting drapes andappliances and fixlures Damage ordeterioration due to long term occupancyis notconsiderednormal and will under the terms of the warranty constitute misuse abuse or_ neglect thereby reducing your warranty protectio...

Page 25: ...u will au omatically rcceive an Ownel care Card approximately 3 4 weeks aftcrdel ivery oryour new motor home This card is imprlntcd with your name the motor home Fleetwood Identification Number FI N and the manuracturing suhsidiary location If your motOl home ever needs warnmty service present this card to the dealer or have it available when contacting a Plcetw od Service Center The motor home ha...

Page 26: ...em is not handled to your satisfaction 1 Discuss any wmranty related problems directly witl the man ager antl or owner ofthe dealership giving them an 0ppOltunity to help the service department resolve the matter for you 2 If a problem arbe that has not been resolved to your satisfac tion by your local dealer plea e contact Fleetwood s Amel icall Coach Division Purts lind Service 1420 West Putters...

Page 27: ...estigation and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group ofvehidcs it may order i recall und remedy campaign NHTSA cannot become involved in individual prob lems belween you your dealer or Fleetwood s manufacturing subsidiary To_contact NHTSA you mlly eilhereall theAllto Safety Hotline toB free at 1 800 424 9393 or 366 0123 in Washington D C lli write to NHTSA U S Uepartment of Transporta...

Page 28: ...ents llsed on the vehicle The V tN or Vehicle Identification Number is the identitication of the completed vehicle and is the number of tile vehicle registrntion The V I N is found on the Pederal certilication lag attached to the interior left sidewall of the motor home driver compartment Refer to this information when ordering parls from the chassis manufacturer or ehassis dealer service center T...

Page 29: ...NTAND TIRE BALANCE TIle front llspension and stccriTIg system of this vehicle was aCcur le1y aligned at the factory before delivery to the dealership However after you have fully loaded the vehicle according 10 your personal needs have the alignment c lCckcd ami ldjusted if Ilccc sary To help prevent uneven tire wear check the front end alignment periodically Please lote tluitff 1It ellf alignmell...

Page 30: ...r chassis manufaciurcr s Any add on device ofthis type willlikc1y void the chassis manufactu er s warranty on the item Of items affected Any after market steering aid device proposed for installation must bc approved by Fleetwood Motor llome l roduct Hllgilleerillg before consider ing it for any after market installation on your motor home WARNlNGS_ TERMS AND CONCEPTS FOR SAFE OPERATION OFYOUR MOT...

Page 31: ...rash Vehicle Response When you the driver accelerate brake orste erthe motor home it responds to thcscinput If you are faced with an emergency wllile driving the way you respond to the emergency and the way the motor h9me respond becomes more critical Ifyou load alter or maintain your motor home improperly iL wi11 not respond as it did when you first received it in an unloaded condition Impl Oper ...

Page 32: ... tow to avoid 11 vehicle crash Do not af emptto tow something that is too heavy fur your chassis When driving in mOlll fainOlls aI C I I look jor alld obey highwllY siglls cOllceminggrades al dcurves YOIII driving c pm ienCl when pulling IIl1d slOppinf a towed ullit on maUl fain mad l will he very lhJferenl from wlial YOII expe rience on level ground Stale laws in fhe United States and pmvincial l...

Page 33: ...rly maintain your motor home Consult your Redwood and Chassis Operalor s Owller s GuidclManual for ser vice infonnalion Sec an authorized Flcdwood dealer 10 have your motor home serviced or repaired You or an experienced professional should check al fluid lcvel and change fluids and filters when needed Tire condition und proper inflation pressure is critical to safe operation Kcep your vehicle pro...

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Page 35: ... controlled In thccvcnt ofa malfunction in the system thcil BS in the affected wheel s is disabled that w 1eel still has llormal brakes The ot cr wheels keep the ABS unction The ABS w lrning lamplets I hivers knowthestatus of the system This IfllllP is also u cd to display blink code diagnostics ABS WARNING LAMP The ABS warnil g lamp works as follows NORMAL OPERATION with the ignition key ON ABS l...

Page 36: ...em air pressure Therearairpressure gauge indic lles rC lrhrake system air pressure P1t a e note thaI the vehicle will not move until air pressure is sufficient to release the brake safety springs The gauges must indicate a minimum of60 psi on the gauges before the motorhome canbe moved A dash indicator will light and a buzzer will sound until the properoperatingpres ure is reached SYSTEM COMPONENT...

Page 37: ... out ohhe systenifaster than the compressor can restore it If the pressure gels 100 low the service brakes will not function properly and the spring brakes wlIl he applied automaticallY When you pu h down on the pedal you will feel both a spring pressure and the air pressure hllek against your foot With practice you wil know how to judge the force necessary 10 stop your motor home Spring Brakes Th...

Page 38: ...m the spring brakes will be applied suddenly This may cause loss of traction and vehicle control Refer to the Chassis Operator s Owner s Guidel Manu al for further information on the functioning of the brake system Parking Brake WARNING Your mplor home transmission does not have a PARK position Place the transmission in nel ltfal N and set the parking brake when you park the motor home The parking...

Page 39: ... leave your motor home unattended without setting the parking brake USING AIR BRAKES For normal stops push the brake pedal down lmtil the vehicle comes to a smooth slop In cmcrgL11 iefi brake so that you can steer and keep the Illotor home under eontroL Stopping Distance With air brakes there is an added delay After the brake pedal is pressed the air may lake a fraction of a econd to activate the ...

Page 40: ...t When driving dowlllong grades shift the transmission 0 a lower gear althe top of the grade Rule of thumb Use the slIme lowesl gear going down us it took to go up the hilL Crest the hill in the lower geur Do not exceed the Jlk ximum downhill engine speed with exhaust bruke ON of 2700 RPM Monitor your speed Please sec the Chassis Opcrator s Owncr s GuidcJM anual for more infonnation about brake sy...

Page 41: ...eal or humidity TIlls condition is wmmonly called a b own out A brown jut may cause the air conditiollt f circuit breaker in the dishibution panel to trip This protects your air conditiollt r motor from damagt and is necessary during low voltage conditions This hm 1kerlripping iS110t a fault in your electrical system hut it is a necessary safety valve Either Of both air conditioners can be operate...

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Page 43: ... home ride height Each wheel maintains 11 preset di lance between the chassis and the wheel Each air bag one at each axk may contain a different air preSS Ufe This pressure is determined automatically by the system to maintain a level chassis and is continually adjusted as long as the chassis engine is funning or there is sufficient air pressure in the air storage lank The airsyspensioll system is...

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Page 45: ... The individual appliance manuals included in your Owner s Information Fackage contain detailed operating and maintenanc instructions Always refer to the respective manual for the appliance in question WARNING The water heater and furnace combustion air exhaust ports may be extremely hot during water heater and furnace operation DO NOT TOUCH THESE OUTLETS or allow any material to come within close...

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Page 47: ...clea ed and you may reel amomentary floating sensation berore the leveling system is fully engaged This is normaL Wilen the levcling syMem is retracted the suspension sy lem will be re charged with air WARNING The leveling system is intended solely to level the motor home DO NOT USE THE LEVELING SYSTEM AS A JACK DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LIFT THE MOTOR HOME OFFTHE GROUND WITHTHE LEVELING SYSTEM for any re...

Page 48: ...llywlwre IInder the motor home To level the unit 1 Press ON OFF switch on control panel ON OFF light and Electronic Lcvcllights will illuminate 2 Push and HOLD the ALL JACKS DOWN switch until the jacks Gonlacl the ground 3 Observe the FRONT and REAR Electronic Level lights arrows Push and HOLD the corresponding pad until the pump turns oft and leveling action stops 4 Observe the LEFT and RIGHT Ele...

Page 49: ... touch pad The ON OJ I light the green EVEL indicator light if level and the JACKS DOWN light will illuminate 2 Momentarily press the ALL JAGKS RETRAC1 wi1ch The jacks will start to retract and return to the fully retracted position automatically 3 VVhcn the JACKS DOWN light goes oul push the ONi OFF switch on the louch pad to dc cncrgize the system 4 Visually confirm that all ja h are retracted N...

Page 50: ...ING CONTROL MODULE PIN 500536 Correct oil level is critical for proper operation Low hydraulic nuid will sound lhe louch pad alarm and flash the jacks down light with thejacks in the fully retracted position Fill fluid to lip offill port to eliminate thi condition EMERGENCY RETRACTING PROCEDURE WARNING Do not use this procedure if retraction with the leveling touch pad controller is possible 1 Be ...

Page 51: ... to their original positions 9 Have the cvcJing syslem checked und erviced by an authorized dealer CAUTION The suspension air bags if equipped may not re inflate after this pro cedur Contactyour dealer if this happens Molor PumpNalvG Block OIL TANK FILL PROCEDURE 1 RctrUd all jacks 2 Shut ofr enhiJne 3 Remove rill porI plug 4 Fill with f cxlron lillransmissjon l1 lid ulltil it runs out of lhe fill...

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Page 53: ...f accumulating either outside underneath or inside your vehicle or any nearby vehicles Outside air movements can carry exhaust gases inside the vehicle through windows or other openings remote from the exhaust outlet Operate engines carbon monoxide producing systems or components only when safe dispersion of exhaust gases can be assured Monitor outside conditions to be sure that exhaust continues ...

Page 54: ...y for damage 00 not operate an engine with a damaged exhaust system Do not underany circumstances modify the exhaust system in any way CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR Your motor home is equipped with a carbon monoxide CO detector It is designed to alert youlo the presence ofCa gas Test the CO detect of aner the motor home ha heell ill storage before each trip and allea once 11 week during usc The carbon ...

Page 55: ...auge 23 Transmission Temperature Gauge 24 Chassis Engine Coolant Tempe ature Gauge 25 Chassis Engine Oil Pressure Gauge 26 Fuel Gauge 27 Chassis Engine Voltmeter Gauge 28 Chassis Engine Tachometer Gauge 29 Right Turn Signal Indicator Light 30 High Beam Indicator Light 31 AaS SYstems Warning Indicator Light 32 Exhaust Brake Indicator Light 33 Parking Brakalndlcator Light 34 AM FM RadiofCassettelCD ...

Page 56: ...erature gauges have heen calibrated to indicate a midrange reading a the JlOlm ll operating temperature The rcaSUl1 for th isis that many owners perceive 212 F as the boiling point However this is not the case in an engine with a pressurized cooling system and a coolant mixture of glycol and water As a motor home OWller be aware that the gauge is intended to provide a warning of any rapid change i...

Page 57: ... SET ACCEL switch was released 3 Hold the SKf ACCEL switch up to accelerate When_the switch is released the vehicle will maintain the new speed The cl Uisc control can be disengaged by any of the folluwing 1 Press the brake pedal Press the COAST RI S ME switch to resume the previously sct speed 2 Push down and holt the COAST RESUME switch Letup on the COAST RI S ME switch to resume the current spe...

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Page 59: ...ts Iryou anticipate overtaking and passing other ve hides remember thHt your niolor home llllly not achieve lhe required speed as quickly UH you expect The engine speed RPM for the engine in yom motor home is PnJgrummahle Idle Speed 60010 X75 RPM Governed Speed 2200 RPM Maximum Downhill Speed with Exhausl Brake ON 2700 RPM CAUTION Engine overspeed engine speed in excess of high idle no load RPM ca...

Page 60: ...d set the parking brake when parking the motor home Shill Seleclor Allison MD3060 Transmission NOTE For additional transmission operation information see Section 41 ofthismanualor he Transmission Section in the Chassis Operator s Owner s GuideIManual Up lind down shining is automatic under most driving conditions You may manually shift the transmission under marhrinal or poor traction condi tions ...

Page 61: ...the engine as abnl king force select the nextlmyer gear Ifthe motor home i exceeding the maximum RPM for this gear use the service brakes to stow doWn When a lower speed is reached the transmission Electronic Control Unit 6CU will automatically downshift the transmission Engine braking provides good speed control for going dowll grades When the motor home is heavily loaded or the grade is steep pr...

Page 62: ... of the wheels and cause you to skid 1t may also increase the stopping distance See the Chassis Opcrator s Owner s Guide Manual for additional information MIRRORS AND PARKING Bealeltto yourvehic1c s position in traffic Usecaution whenmaneuvering to allow for the length and width of the vehicle Always allow extra room to corner and tochangelanes YoUfvehide s rear view mirrors will helpyoukeep aware...

Page 63: ...ou drive with the overhead vents open or ifthe motol home jlJ equipped with a roof air condilionel roofmck cn or TV mdio satellite antenna Before leaving on a trip check your route Some tunnels prohibit motor homes with LP gas systems When parking parallel to a curb be sure to allow for poles or ob ln1etions as the front and rear portions of the motor home swing wider than an automobile When parki...

Page 64: ...pcnlting parking or idling your vehicle off road is unavoidahle Be aware that combustiblt materials could calch fire from the vehicle s hot exhaust system Avoid driving YOllr vehicle through or over combustible materi als suCh as leaves grilss veJ1 etatiun or slubhle higll enough to touch catch or collect on its hot exhaust system American Dream ____ _ ...

Page 65: ...rging ystem ignition system instnullcnt panel and control systems the headlights taillights turn signals systems other VCllic1c lights and accessories systems The four locations for chassi ruses breakers relays diodes flashers and solenoids arc Pnml Panel Under the instrument Bonnel Rear Pane Battery Comparlme ilt Engine Preheat Umkr the Bedtop Engine Access Lid Engine Disconnect Switch Rear Engin...

Page 66: ... motor home is stopped Shift the transmission to Nand apply the IJarking brake 2 Press and hold the AUXILIARY START switch on the instrument panel 3 Start the chassis engine with the ignition switch 4 Release the AUXILIARY START _switch To use the Auxiliary Start System to start the generator 1 Press and hold lhe AlJXILIARY START switch on the instrument panel 2 Press the GENERATOR START switch un...

Page 67: ...s or house batteries and extended usage when not _traveling may discharge them BATTERY DISCONNECT Also see CHASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM chapter Some accessories or equipment sueh as cloeb radios or the refrigerator may draw small amounts of current even when turned Opr A relay opernled disconnect system allows you to disconnect either the chassis batteries or the coach hatteries or both Disconnecting...

Page 68: ... batteries Use caution when using metal tools If a tool contacts a battery terminal or metal connected to it a short circuit could occur which could cause personal njury explosion or fire WARNING Do not allow battery electrolyte to contact skin eyes fabrics or painted surfaces The electrolyte is a sulphuric acid solution which could cause serir ms personal injury or property damage Wear eye protec...

Page 69: ...si charging system while on the road The AC jDC power converter will also charge both sets of batteries whcn plugged into 120 volt service Of if the generator i running Ir the batteries arc disconnected while the coach is plugged in they will not be charged On those occasions when the battery needs to be charged from a ditTerent charging source please follow these safety guidelines I caving a char...

Page 70: ...l intended to be a fast charging or heavy current electrical source During periods of dell sky and h ight sun the solar panel will help keep your haUerie topped Ul Do not try to operate the inverltr or other 12 vo t DC appliances with the output of the solar panel The panel is expandable with optional expansion panels Conlad your dealer ror more information OD expansion panels SELECTING A REPLACEM...

Page 71: ...d circuit ip the Illotor home POWER CORD HOOK UP To connect the power cord to external service push the plug straight into lhe receptade until it seats completely Scc the illust 111ion WARNING 00 not operate the 120 volt electricaJ system without a proper ground Electrocution or severe electrical shock CQuld result CAUTION Lightning strikes during thunderstorms may affect the electrical systems in...

Page 72: ...eceptacle refrigerator and power converter TIle invelter uses 12 volt DC power from the coach batteries and transrorms it into 60 cycle _ 120 voltAC power to run most oithe appliances in the motor home Controls arc located on hoth the inverter faceplate in the exterior roadside utility compartment and ill the dinette overhead Note The roofair conditioners cannot be operated on power supplied by th...

Page 73: ...otor home electricalsystem checkedatan authorizedFleetwoodService Center or by a qualified electrician Test the GPI at least once a month To test the iF wnned the electrical system to 120 voltAC service Push the TE liiT button TheRESET button should pqp out indicating that the protected circuit has been disconnected If the reset buttun dues nut pop out when the test bulton is pushed a loss ofgroun...

Page 74: ...e fuse with the same lype and amperage rating A circuit breakeris a switch that automatically interrupts an electric circuit under an infrequent abnormal condition If a circuit breaker is tripped look for an overload on the circuit remove the overload then reset the brenker Some breakers nre reset by pushing in a button others by turning the switch OFF then ON Do not try to reset a breaker the sec...

Page 75: ... II I ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING 1 1 10 F tE r Wri c AM 00 0 U m ow O Om _ I _ 0 f _ _ J H eO _H W o I 0 1 _n_ 1 __ American Dream 12 Page1of9 i I I r I ...

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Page 77: ... 1 __ l Ii I L ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING I Ai 1d 0 l 1 r II Ct 7 1 I U I 1 t LI JJ L L _ T_ II OIW lC A _ ro N r A 12 Page 3 019 L t _ AmericaI Dream _ _ ...

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Page 85: ...ome needs lo be lowed please use the following guidelines Secthe ChassisOpemtof sJOwner s Guide Manual The vehicle MUST be towed from the front CAUTION Do not tow the motor home from the rear Towing from the tear will cause serious overloading of the front tires and suspension possibly resulting in tire or front suspension failure Tow flick operators willing and ahle to tow motor home will be fami...

Page 86: ... _ Turn oft J P gas appliances and the I P ga lunk valve 5 Du nul allow any per sun to ride in the towed vehicle 6 Contact the chassis assistance center prior to calling a tow company to receive tow instructions and possible assistance with coordinating the tow CAUTION _The air brake system and fjir suspension system may require reehargiriiJ _ with air before towing to release the brakes and provi...

Page 87: ...ngine cover and 11tch it to the bed top_with lhe latch installed in the bed lOp WARNING When installing the engine cover be sure the cover is fully seated on the gasket seal o not allow any material to interi u pt the seal between the cover and the engine compartment If the engine cover is not installed correctly engine exhaust gases could I ak into the passenger compartment creating a safety haza...

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Page 89: ...h clockwise 0 the START position When the engine starts re1t ase the switch See I liver s Controls for location of WAIT TO START light NOTE The WAIT TO START feature is necessf ry for engine intake airpreheating The operating timing interval depends on engine and outside air temperature The light will go offsooner if the engine is ho and orthe outside air temperature is warm The engine is equipped...

Page 90: ...rication is available to the bearings and to allow the oil pressure to stabilize Idle the engine 3 to 5 minutes at 1000 RPM before operating with a load Check the oil pressure indicalor s tem perature indicator s and other gauges daily to make sure they are operating correctly _ The motor home will not move until the air brakes and suspension systems are sufficiently full of air Nominal brake syst...

Page 91: ...he parking brake 3 I et engine idle foca minimum of3 minutes fur proper cuol down Increase this time if there has been extended hot weather running WARNING The transmission does not have a PARK position Place the transmission in neutral N and set the parking brake when parking the motor home 15 Page30f3 ___ American Dream _ __ i ...

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Page 93: ...I1ow hllltery feature wi111urn oITlheinverterand illuminate ared light when battery power is low The inverter will automlltieally start when the batteries arc recharged Thrn the inverter off when not ill use or when 120 volt power is available because there is a small drain on the batteries even if the TV and VCR are off Note Extended use of 120 volt appliances tlJrough the invetterwilldischarge t...

Page 94: ...stcning to FM hroaucaMs If distortion hecomes a nuisance try these tips Usc the park cahle TV antenna in remote arcasmthcr than Ihe roof antellna of your m lor home if the campground provides cabJc hook up Re orienllhe antenna Sometimes turning the antenna will IJick up Ii stronger sigl al from a difterent direction _ With PM Stereo signais switch the unit to MONO ir _possible Some of the phase an...

Page 95: ...n key mustbe in eitherthe OFFor ACCESSORYposition before the TVlift can be operated 120 volt AC power must be available before operating the lift 1 1 1 1l ignition key to opr or ACCESSORY position 2 Press and hold the top of the TV lift switch to lift TV 3 Release switch althe desired TV height 4 Press and hold the bottom of the switch to lower the TV DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEM Optional Your motor h...

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Page 97: ...ITlON ACTlON OFF ON _Step extends and retracts with the upening and closing ofthe door Light under step will be 011 OFF OFF Step is inactive Will l1oimovc r ganllc or door movemen Light under lep will be off ON ON Step extends nd relract with opening and closing of do r J ight under step wili be all ON OFF Step extend and retracts with opening and cJo ing ordoor Light under step will be off NOTE T...

Page 98: ...standing in the stepwell could lose their balance and fall if the stepwell cover is operated WARNING Feet legs hands and other b ody parts cQuld be pinched or injured during stepwell cover operation Keep clear of the stepwell cover during operation Stepwell Cover Operation 1 Thestepwelleovercontrol i locatedon the pij sengersidt oftheoverhead 2 To extend the cover move the onlrol swikh rorward 3 T...

Page 99: ...lt the engine and exhaust systems radiale a great deal of heat Speciaf heat shields are huill into your motor home to protect wiring and other wmponents from possible heal damage caused by lhe_exhaust system CAUTION po not remove these shields modify the exlu ust _system oradd additional equipment such as wiring plumbing or other components which will be affected by exhaust system heat ___ America...

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Page 101: ... and maintenance informatioll for lhe motor home Detailed selyice and maintenance information may be found in lhe owner s opcrator s manuals contained in the Owner s Information Package While the information in this section is intended to establish proper maintenance ami inspection procedures 1here may be time when detailed diagnostic and repair procedures may bc required COllSult your dealer or a...

Page 102: ...it and Jet it completely air dry Elements and compounds in the waler and in the cover material can react witll tile motor home exterior fiberglass or paint and cause discoloration or staining The bestinsuranceagainst these effects is routine maintenance fthe finish is not washed and waxed thoroughly the sudaee can deJeriorate very rapidly The following maintenance guidelines can help you reduce th...

Page 103: ... parts hinges and latches adjusted and maintained Lubricate with a light oil at least once a year Chec k and tighten the screws holding the windows in place as required Cle lil screellS by gently wiping with Ii damp cloth or sort flal b11lsh Not all screens are removable Inspect the scahmts af JUnd doors and windows every three months Sec Sealant Rcncwal sedion Lubricate locksets in doors and exte...

Page 104: ...edure you must follow to maintain the weath erproofinlegri y o yourinolor h ime I eak damage caused by failure to follow these procedures will ailed your warnlllty coverage Yom deakr can pedQrm the resealing inspection and work or yOll Your dealer also has current information on sealants lIseu in your motor home i nd can recommend the approprIate sei lants or lOll if you prefer to do this work you...

Page 105: ... spirits in unventilated areas Make sure that all areas 10 be resealed are ahsoiulely _dry before applying new sealanI STAINLESS STEEL BUMPERS The bumpers are corrosion resistant For routine cleaning use soap amlUonia or detergent and waler Rinse with clean water and wipe dry CAUTION Do not llse any of the following items on stainless steel bumpers carbon steel brushes steel wool disc or orbital s...

Page 106: ...equipmflllt specifications See the Chassis Operatur s Ownel s Guidell ilanual for care and main tenauce recommendations for the aiumiI um wheels and lug nuts BODY UNDERCOATING An uudercoatiug material has been applied to ceLtainchassis and underbody components This undercoating will help protect these cOl ponents Il om the enh ts orweather road deicing compounds 01 other road debris or conditions ...

Page 107: ...now where it is located and how and when to use it Fire extinguishers arc pressurized mechanical devices They must be handled with care imd treated with respect They mus t be maintained as outlined in any maintenance instmetions provided with the device so they are ready to operate properly and safely Parts or intcmal ehcmicals may deterio rate in time and11eed replacement Always followmaintcnancc...

Page 108: ...UICKLY AND SAI ELY AS POSSIBLE If you experience a tlrc while camped EVACUATE THE VEHICLE AS QUICKLY AND SAFELY AS POSSIBLE Consider the cause and severity of thefire and risk involved herore trying to put it out Iflhe fire is mlljor or isfuel fed move away from the side orlhe LP gas tank stand clear of the vehicle and wait for emergency assistance Ie your motor home is damaged hy fire do not driv...

Page 109: ...p and at least once a week during usc The smoke detector should never be disabled due to lluisance or false alarm from cooking mob a du ly furnace etc Ventilat your motor home witl fresh air and the alarm will shut ofr DO NOT lJISCONNECT OR REMOVE THE SMOKE ALARM BATTERY _ Replace he batlery once_ lyearorimmediatcly when the low hUllery beep sib lla1 sounds If the smoke detector fnils to operate w...

Page 110: ...This psgc illtentiOlially Jen hlank ...

Page 111: ...FLOOR PLANS 21 Page 1 of 3 i 3 _ American Dream ________ ...

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Page 115: ...wn as cily water Iilstnlctiolls in this manual will use the term city water to mean any pressurized source of watcr that is connected hy a garden type hose to the city waler inlet CAUTION S ince water pressures at campgrounds and houses vary an in line pressure regulator is installed in the water supply inlet Do not bypass this regulator Connecting Your Motor Home to City Water You will usulilly c...

Page 116: ... TANK BYPASS valve lheCOLDWATER DRAIN valve and the HOT WATER DRAIN til the light clockwise to close them if necessary 5 On Model WI alldVS turn VALVE 2 vertical and VALVE 1 horizontal On ModelAT turn VALVE 2 horizonlal and turn the handle on VALVE 1toward thcfrontofthe vehicle 6 Attach the free end of the city water supply hose to the city water inlet filling Tighten securely 7 Turn the cily wate...

Page 117: ...may want to fill the fresh water tank With the system COlUlectcd as ullined above just turn the WATER TANK BYPASS valve to the left counterclockwise to open it Waler wil now flow into the tank Monitor the filling of the tank continually The flow and prcs ure at some park and city water uppJies could damage lhe lank if left unattcmleJ Filling the Water Tank ______ American Dream ___ __ _ ...

Page 118: ... above the Utility Water Compm1ment The on b purd water milk can be tilled here also To fill the fresh water tank remove the cap and fill the tank using a potable water ho e Check the monitor pand often to deJermine if the tank is rull If water is Ilowing from thc top vcnf your tank is full Stop mling SANITIZING THE FRESH WATER SYSTEM Sanitize the fresh water lank and piping approximately every th...

Page 119: ...01 chlorine bleach for a 100 gallon tank is 12 3 cups To sanitizc winteri l e Models 40VS and 40DS follow these steps NOTE To winterize llcrform steps 1 7 13 16 19 21 and 22 only 1 Prepare the required solution either the chlorine sol ution or an antifreeze product and have iL standing by at the water _utility compartment 2 Close_all drain valves and faucets 3 Connect a length of garden type hose ...

Page 120: ...rn VALVE 1 handle horizontal 9 Connect the pOlable wurer hose the same one used to connecllo an external water supply to the CITY WATER inlet and im external water supply valve Samfl1 ing Wmterizing Part 2 Filling tile Waler Tank will Waler 10 Turn tlie TANK BYPASS valve to lhe Jeri counter clockwise 10 open it 11 l ml the waler supply valve ON to tll the water tank Monitor the Hlk tilling continu...

Page 121: ...faucets individually until water flows leaJily then turn OFF Tllis will purge air from the li cs 17 Open Ihe TANK BYPASS valve 18 TUfIl the water supply ON and lOp up the water lank 19 Let the solution set for three hours sanitize only Ir winterizing the solution will remain in the system during freezing temperatures 20 Drain the entire system hy opening all drain valves faucets and tank drain val...

Page 122: ...e 12 volt DC power is available and turn the waler pumps ON 5 OpenalJ faucets individually until waleI 1 IWS steadily then tum OFF This will purge air from the lines 6 Let the solution stand in lhe wate system for three hours 7 Drain the entire system by opening ail drain valves faucets and tank drain valvc 8 When the system is completely drained flush the system With fresh waler Be sure to run wa...

Page 123: ...iullilling of the tmlJc the watcr may sputter for a few seconds Tills is normal and is not cause for COllcem TIIC water flow will stabilize when all air is bled from the waler lines WATER FILTER Dirt mineral cale and organic matter are tl1tcrcd oui or the rresh water system by an in Jine waler filler on the inlet side of the water pump lfyou suspeet a clogged mter it is easily removed and cleaned ...

Page 124: ...ened with a wrem h They wi nOlmaHy seal with hand tightening If a leak persists at one of the liltings disconnect it completely and check for mineral deposits or ot cr foreign matter 11 1 the sealing surfaces Clean the surfaces thoroughly and reinstall the titting COlUleetions t the water tank pump and valves are made with special damps They can be replaced with standard aircraft type hose clamps ...

Page 125: ...tenance insllUctiollS concerning this system Pleaseliole thallhe special faucelallhe galley and the ice maker arel11e only ontlets for the filtered wuter Although filtered wale is not available at the standard galley and lavy outlets the water avuilahk althese ouliets is filtered by the water pump filter Note also that this system is not desi lled for or effective in removing or neutralizing bacte...

Page 126: ......

Page 127: ...FUEL FILL The dual fuel filler caps are located behind doors just to the rear and above the front wheels The fill pipes fill the same centrally located fl ellank WARNING When removing the fuel fill cap rotate slowlyonly far enough 10 allow any built up pressure to release After hissing sound stops complete the removal of the cap CAUTION The fuel pumps at truck stops supply diesel fuel at a high ra...

Page 128: ...el spilled ol1lhemotor hOllle could daffiiige the exterior finish and is a serious tire ha l ani FUEL RECOMMENDATIONS WARNING Do not mix gasoline or alcohol with diesel fuel This mixture can cause an explosion Cummins the engine manufacturer recommends the use ofASTM No 2 diesel fuel At operating temperatures below 32 acceptahle perfOl llmllCe can he ohtained by llsing blends ofNo 2 and No 1 licsc...

Page 129: ...ual manufacturing compounds are sometimes present the first lime lhe fUrlU lce is used This is normal however the initial light offshould be Ulmt with windows and doors open and be of adequate duration to completely burn ofr the residue WARNING Portable fuel burning appHances are not safe for heating inside the motor home Asphyxiation or carbon monoxide poisoning can occur FURNACE FILTER REPLACEME...

Page 130: ...e conditions check the filler weekly dUling furnace use Filters can be pur chased tlu ough your lo ul hardwun slOn To remove the filter I Turn the retainer labs 10 clear the filter frame 2 Pull filter straight out lb install a llew filter 1 Remlwe old filter 2 Remove new filler rrom storage box direclly above the tilter box 3 Slide lew filter into filter box Be sure air How arrows point downwru d ...

Page 131: ...gh a special feeder tube which is higherin the tank than the feeder tuhe 10 the motor home engine This iu zangemellt prevents the generatorfromrunning tlie motorhome rliel tank dIY GENERATOR OPERATION NOTE Refer to the generator operating instructions provided in your Owner s Information Package for information before starting the generator Do not start the generator unit with a heavy power load A...

Page 132: ...TOR OPERATING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read and understand the generator operating majntenance and safety inslrm lio s fumishcd in your Owner s Information ackage Do not smoke or usc an open flame ncar the generator unit or fuel tank WARNING Do not place flammable material or store any other materials in the generator compartment WARNING Do not block the generator ventilating air inlets or outlets The e...

Page 133: ...safe dispersion of exhaust gases can be assured and monitor outside conditions to be sure that exhaust gases continue to be dispersed safely Be aware ofexhaust gas carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms Refer to CARBON MONOXIDE SAI t TY PRECAUTIONS clmp cr WARNING DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OPERATE THE GENERATOR WHILE SLEEPING You would not be able to monitor outside conditions to assure that gene...

Page 134: ...RATOR COOLING SYSTEM The generator is liquid cooled The cooling yslem includes a radiator cooling fun waler pump a coulanl reservoir recovery container and is similar to the automotive engim cooling sYSlem Check aml maintain the coolant level at the coolant recQvery container ocaled 011 the front of the generator _ CAUTION Do not check the coolant system at the radiator cap when the generator is h...

Page 135: ...ion and the humid c011l1itions ttat may be encountered TIlC relatively small volumc and tight compact construction of modem recreational vehiclcs mean that nonnalliving aclivities of cvcn a few occuptmts will lead to rapid saturation of the air and thc appearancc of vi ible moisture especially in coldwcuther Just as moisture collcds on the outside ofa glass ofcold watcr during humid weather moistu...

Page 136: ...nt fan oropenthe bath veTIt when bathing to cany wate rvapor out of the motor home Avoid making steam from excessive boiling or use of hOI wakr Remove waleror now from shoes before enteriug to avoid Houking the carpeL Avoid drying Qvereoats or other clothes inside lhe motor home CAUTION DO NOT HEATTHE MOTOR HOME INTERIOR WITH THE RANGE OR OVEN Open flames add moistureto the interiorair Do not usea...

Page 137: ...n lalled components and accessories and may not be located 10 support after market accessorie s not sjlccifically designedforuse on or in YOlIJ motor home Please consult with your dealer before attempting to in taH or mount accessories on tile sidewalls ufyoU motor hOine Holes drilled in the sidewa may canse damage and may affect portions of your warrantycovcrage Ifyou add il ccssories to the exte...

Page 138: ...e back and seal Lift the front edgeoflhesofaframe up and push ith u k The sofa back will come up Push the sofa into position FOLDING DOORS PRIVACY CURTAIN DIVIDERS The dividers allow you to 8eparale areas in the molor home They glide on _ nylon rollers and do not require luhrication They are held closed by a catch When the dividers arGopcn fortravcling hesure to allw h the huld back straps to keep...

Page 139: ...fore traveling lo avoid damage from wind _ and low overhead dC lrances The venl may be cleaned from the top oflhe mo oLh me Use soapy water on the vent cQver The screens may he vacuumed or lightly hrushed to remove accumulation of leaves or other debrb Lubricate the gears and mechanism yearly wilh a light water resistant grea e FOLDING CHAIRS In some models loose folding chairs are provided for yo...

Page 140: ...about 45 u grccs to eilher the left Of right and lower the blind Stop the blind in mid tnwe1l y moving cord backJo the straight down position Rc allach the retajners when traveling Jb adjust the angle Turn the adjusting rod either direction DAYINIGHT SHADES _ These window shades are split into a daytirnc area and nighttime area To close the daytime shade pul down on the lower handle To open pull u...

Page 141: ...ny cleaning purpose These products lJlay cause damage to the material being cleaned and may be highly flammable or poisonous COUNTER TOPS Corian Top Care SinceCorian is anOll porous material Illany f lod and household chcmieal stains wipe ofr with a sponge and soapy water Stuhhorn Iains like coffee grape juice ink and food e lOling rub off with household c1ean er WALLS AND CEILING PANELS The p lll...

Page 142: ...ild dishwasher dCle rgenl Of liquid deodori dng cleaner Avoid cleaners with any level of abrasives occ one Of MEK methyl ethyl ketone FLOORS AND CARPETING Vacuum carpeting regularly and clean it with a quality carpet cleaner TILE CARE To clean tile areas use a clean sponge mop with a mild dctcrgell in hot water Avoid abrasive cleaners The grout is llon slitining and can be cleaned with a mild dete...

Page 143: ...trol ofa pressure regulator A typical LP gas tank installation b illustrated below Although specific details ohhc system niay differ in your motur home the major components and their relationships will be similar to those shown 1 LP gas tank 2 Sight gauge 3 Automatic Stop fill valve 4 Main shul offvaive 5 RegUlator assembly _ 6 LP gas hose 7 Lp detector shut off WARNING Do not block the vent openi...

Page 144: ...OTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE USE PROPER HANDLING LIGHTING AND VENTILATING PROCEDURES 1 The distinctive odor of LP gas indicates a leak Ifyou smell gas DO NOT TOUCH ELECTRICAL SWITCHES Extinguish aU open flames pilot lights and all smok ing materials Shut off the gas supply at the tank valve s or gas supply connection Open the door and leave the area until the odor clears Have the gas system checked by a p...

Page 145: ...nc luding accessories such as gas barbecues in your motor home LP gas containers are equipped with a safely device that relieves excessive pres sure by discharging gas to the atmosphere Leaks can occur at valves and fittings Always store LP tanks outside with the valves closed and plugged 7 Do not use any LP gas tank other than the one f lrnished with you r motor home without being sure that all c...

Page 146: ...ed to be closed leak tight by hand If a tool is required to stop a leak the valve probably needs repair or replacement 12 If you d not have the spec_ia tools and training necessary do not attempt to repair or modify LP gas system components 13 Always think safety SYSTEM COMPONENTS Hoses J he hoses used in your LP g t syslem moel tiJ or CSA requirements and are raled lo wilhsland many limes the pre...

Page 147: ...f components The regulator is maim cd so thallhe vent is facing downward and is IJfOtc ted from water and dirl by a water re i lant cover Be sure the over is on at all limes If the vent be omes dogged it can be deaned with a toothbrush Ifcorrosiul1 is evident contact a qualificq J Pgas service technician for a replacement regulator WARNING Do not attempt to adjust the regulator It has been preset ...

Page 148: ...kthcBTU hr ratingpiates ouyom LP gas appliances This information will help manage your LP_gas requirements efficiently LP gas systems can and do freeze up in vcry cold weather It is a common misconceptit l1 that the regulator or the gas itself frcc7 cs Actually it is moisture or water vapor that gets trapped in the systemor absorbed by the gas lhal I rce7 es and eauscs the problem This ice can bui...

Page 149: ...scrvke station which ells LP gas Do not attempt to fill the tank yourself WARNING Turn off LP gas main valve before tilling LP gas tank orentering an LP gas bulk plantar motorfuE l1 service 5 tatlon Turn off aU pilot lights and appliances individually before refueling of motorfuel tanks and or LP gas containers When not individually turned off automatic ignition appliances may continue to spark wh...

Page 150: ...aks as well as whenever you use LP gas appli nces To perform a leak check swab a mixture or a non ammoniated non chlorinatcd soap solution Of an approved leak detcetion solution over each fitting Joint and connection in thc syste n Open the tank service valve Inspect eaehjoinL If even the smallest bubbles appear at any joint this joint must be re made Refer repairs to an authorized Fleetwood servi...

Page 151: ...o low levcl1 of potentially dangerous I P gas that may have been released due to II gas leak The unit also sounds fin alarm when it senses LP or similar gases slU h as hair spray or cleaning solvent The detcctoris powered by the motor bome and chassis 12 voltDC hattery sysleITlS A powcr switehis located on the panel A greenlighl on the detcclOl front panel indicates that the detector has powcr Te ...

Page 152: ...s Air trapped in the ga lines may delay Ihe initial lighting of any appliance It could takc several seconds OJ minutes for the gas to reach lhe_appliance To purgeso e ofthe air from the gas system Ilrstlightll hurner on the nmge TIle other appliances will then lighl more 4uickly Werecommend lighting the pilot light at the range if equipped ratller than individually lightingeaeh burner Tilis will h...

Page 153: ... Irig r r roof ir L m lili Jnct furnace ge e _ Inspect gCllcmlor c haust system Inspect LPG system lncluding cak check Sani ize fresh walct n _ _Ckall dral e and interim fab _ Check C kTIO lamp operation I Each Trip or Monthly _ JI Wa h exreriO Lubricate powcr ep mechanism 1 I el LPG system including leal hc f hcck ire pressU1es I Every 8 Hours Inspect geoer lm exitaus syStem Weekly 4 1 1 anu dean...

Page 154: ...te the lcpwdl vor chani fro calry door model only lm l oclaml clean rtiel fired appliance Cllts wate oc lcr rcr igcraa furnace Lubricate TV teuna CilL kall edorior ealan around window dool s sidewall cams wind hield lamps aU exterior openings and roof components Re seaJ if nec essill In p Cl generato exhaust system Inspec LPG system including leak check At Specified Mileage or Interval S Ownd M i ...

Page 155: ... installed in the tanks measure the levels at various points in the tanks All L VOC M O 9 _ Ol l ii RES M eo 1 1 rn 00 0 0 FlUid Momtor Panel To check tank levels press and hold the Lank switch you wish to read the fluid leyel in FRESH potahle w ter GRAY sinks shower and washing machine BLACK toilet U G liqueficd petroleum gas The E or emply indicator light will always be lit when the rocker switc...

Page 156: ...ay give afull reading when the t nk is actually empty NOTE If the sensorprobes mounted in the tanks geleoated wiJh grease the monitorpanel may indicate falsely or not at al Avoid pouring grease oils or similar substances down drains or the toilet If this is unavoidable the IJOlding tank s should be washed out with a soapy watersolution See your dealer for additional infoJma tion LINK 1000 INSTRUME...

Page 157: ..._sro_ 10 M num _SET BATTERYTYPE Pl SET _ IS L d I sol UNC PW d pia p SET I b ll lYe I q o J TYeo 2I UNDERSTANDiNG STATUS L IlHTS C 9 _m _ rum ON ON o b 0 w P IL OFF YeS 7vve 0 NO b fu 1 E Pro SEL how V w s An Ah Amp ho t r p 16 1 Zoo A p I full b hnp d om Ih b u pI j t A _ h oouot No up NOTE Fordetailedinformation on how to use the LINK 1000 see the Owner s Information Package American Dream ...

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Page 159: ...need tdcxpJain somecommon weight terms We will use abbreviations and yOll should refer back 0 these terms if you do not understand what the abbreviation means GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating means the maximum permissible weight of this motor home The GVWRis etjualto Of greater than the sum of the UnloadedVchicle Weight plus the Net C tnying Capacity GCWR Gross Comhined Weight Rating means the v t...

Page 160: ...l and coolants The UVW docs not include cargo fresh water LP ga occupants or dealer installed accessories The UVW is listed OIl the wardrobe door lag Nee Net CaiTying Capadty means the maximum weighlqf all occupants including the driver personal belongings food fre h waler LP gas tools tongue weight of towed vehicle dealer installed accessories etc thateau be carried by tltis motor home NCC i eljU...

Page 161: ... Tongue woight Tho mum perml bl do nward force erled co ho hllcl1 tn 11 b y Iho d vehicle f ia UVW u toa_ Vahlele Welghl OS ho cL h of tn 0 homo as built at Ihe 1 1 wltn full fuol oOQlnc 011 d 1 Til llJVW does not i d ca go ffOsh ater LP ocouparll 10 Ial o 10 NCC Ne C ying C paolly moan the m IQ of II OCCUP Including Ille ri er 1 0 oelo lI laad Iresl Vlat 1P g tool lOng O vre llhl d 1 010 d ler ta...

Page 162: ... on both level and sleep roads If the Chassis Opcrator sJOwllcr s Gllidcll 1an al does ni provide inlonnnlioll on lowing weighllimits do nollow a load or more than 1000 pounds unless the towed unit has a proper1 installed and operating supplement brake control system that operates with the brakcs on your motor home The supplemental brakes will NOT allow you to tow morc than the listed GCWR foryour...

Page 163: ...ongue weights can change your vehicle s handling and response c ln_cause aveh ick to crash and will restrict your coverage undcr the Owncrcare Warranty DOllOllow anything weighing Illore than Ihe GTW listed on tiJceanying capacity label Heavicr owed loads can exceed your chassis ability to pull and stop the load and cause a vehicle nash damage the motor hOJllC structure or drive train and re trict...

Page 164: ...water T p gas cargo or occupants When the motor home is being designed the number and size of storage eompartments the liquid tank capacities and number ofbelted seating positions are determined for valne and eonvenience If you fill all liquid tanks to capacity ilJ all torJge compart ments and cupboards to maximum volume and rill all available seating positions wi th 1 1 sengcrs the motorhome coul...

Page 165: ...use undesirable handling charac teristics and may create a safety hazard How To Weigh Your Loaded Motor Home Without A Trailer or Other Towed Load Refer to your local telephone directory to find a public weigh station The following proccdure will help you determine whether your loaded motor home complete with cargo fluids passenger mu driver i within GAWR and GVWR limits When you arrive al a weigh...

Page 166: ... and take a reading This reading is the rear Gross Axle WCight Reading 3 f u i I 11 I 1 f lJ Ii I 1 1 U I 0 I bj ll I 0 I 0 CompareJhe readings taken on the scales to the appropriate ratings noted on the Federal certification tag and wardrobe duor lag Example The front Gross Axle Weight should not exceed the fron Gr ss Axle Weight Rating Irany readings are higher than lhe Hlling you will have to a...

Page 167: ...ght RclIding I 2 Center the entire motor home so that only the motor home is pcing weighed Leave the trailer hitched 0 the motor home but resting off of the scale This is the Gmss Vcbide Weight Reading 2 r LJ UllTI rl H I 3 Center both the motor home amlthe trailer combination on the scale and take a reading This is the Gross olJlbined _ Weight Reading 3 I 31 Page 9 of 11 I American Dream _ ...

Page 168: ...f dwracteri ti cause damage to the lI1olor home drive train or chassis reduce your JlIilrrallly pmlecfioll Since you max load yonrmolor homcditi crcntly for dirrerenllrips loading and weighl patterns will change Periodically reweigh your motor honw and log he weights in the back orthis manual Refer to your log as you prepare to load for future trips Loading Tips _ oad helll ier items lown Do not l...

Page 169: ...ible location A I minimum inelude jire extilJguisheJ tou s firsl aid kit raill gem flashlight highway warning devices 1111 electric cord with light llnd slunl g Ol cs WARNING Do not store or carry LP gas containers gasoline or 9ther flammable liquids inside your motor home WARNING Modification of your vehicle by addition of racks or storage pods to carry additional equipment vehicles or cargo will...

Page 170: ......

Page 171: ...S n M chapter of tllis manuaL WARNING Do not use open flames to warm the living area Gas combustion consumes the oxygen inside th e motor home RANGE HOOO The range hood filters vapors and cooking Ol m s The 120 volt range hood is a recirculating type with a charcoal filter cannister This filterrequircs period maintenance Sec themicrowave conveG lion oven ope rating manual In the Owner s Informatio...

Page 172: ......

Page 173: ... displayed on a screen on the motor home instrument panel The monitor screen may be overlaid with a distance scale reference which gives approximate distance of objects to the rear of the inotor home Rear View Video Monitor AudJONidoo COil lOis Note The back up monilorhasananti glare screen Howeller if the monitor scale is used some glare may be noticeable American Dream _ _ _ ...

Page 174: ... view and the relationships of objects to the mot r home and each other will be different from that seen in a rear view mirror Light conditions and the adjustment of the screen controls will also affect your perception Always use the side mounted rear view mirrors with the video monitor system The camera lens is exposed fo road ditt and will get dirty often Clean the camera h ns und monitor sereen...

Page 175: ...e orthe refrigerator i hot the food is not prc cooled and the Olllsidt tempCf turc is high be prepared for longer cooling times TWO WAY AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Your motor home is equipped with a TWD Way Automatic Energy Selector AES refrigerator TherefrigeratorwHl automaticallyselect thebestavai able energy s_oureeforthe conditions 120 volt AC power or LP gas Thercfrigera tor also requires 12 volt ...

Page 176: ...Thi page iO enlion l1y lefl hlan k ...

Page 177: ...ts in a eo1 isioll Never let a passenger hold a ehild on his or her lap while the vehicle is moving The passenger cannot protect the child from il ury in a collision Children should always ride with the sealbackin tlle fully upright position When lhe seatbaek is llot rully upright there is a greater risk thallhe child will sl ide under he safety hell and be seriously injure in a o1li i n Never use...

Page 178: ...elt adjuslslo your movement However if you brake hard corner hard or if your vehicle receives an impact the lap and shoulLler belt locks and prevents you from moving To fasten the belt pull the lall shoulder belt from the extractor so thallhe shoulder portion Of the belt crosses your shoulder and chest Insert the belt tongue into the proper buckle until you hear a snap and feel it latch _ To tight...

Page 179: ...or these children Check your lm al and state laws f6r specific requirements Safety hells and seats can hecome hot in II vehicle that has been closed up in sunny weather and could burn a small child Check seal covers and buckks before you pJace a child aJlyv here ncar them WARNING Never leave a child unattended in your vehicle Always remove the key from the ignition and take it with you SAFETY BELT...

Page 180: ...ats WARNING Carefully follow aU of the manufacturer s instructions that come with the safety seaUhat you put in your vehicle Make sure that the shoulder belt if provided at the seating position where the safety se t is being used does not cross or rest in front of the child s face or neck If you do not install and use the safety seat properly the child may be injured in a sudden stop or collision ...

Page 181: ...O 543 4J34 Engine Cummins 800 43 7357 Transmi wjf 1I Allison 800 252 5283 j II When contacting any of the above always have model and 1 serial numbers available Appliance identification numbers will be found on tags or plates attached to the appliance Chassis component engine transmission axles etc Identification numbers will be located in the manuals li d cd cW _ithc Y o m o t_o_ h_ocm c c c _ __...

Page 182: ...t t ovcrcd under the warranly your denier s service department can help you with gelling the correct service Always keep a maintenance log otyour motor home s service history Always make I wr_ittcn list of the motor home problems Of the specific work you wanl done If you ve had work done that is nol on your maintenance log especially while out of town lei lhe service advisorknow Don t keep secn ts...

Page 183: ...IOME LOADING chapter of this manual and follow the loading and weighing instructions in that section When storing equipment and supplies Always keep lool and equipment stored i l areas where they will nor shirl while traveling Wheneverpossiblc place heavy aJ tides m stOlllgc mpm1menl which are low and in the best lOl ation for betWr weight distribulion Pack articles carefully in the storage comp w...

Page 184: ...ers rest in notches when they are closed To open drawers lift up slightly hen pull open Closets may be equipped wilh 12 voltlights that may be switchedto turn ON when the closet door is opened Be sure the light goes OFF when the closet door is closed your hattery will be discharged if it stays ON Iflhe light stays on when the door is closed the door switch requires adjustment The same loading cons...

Page 185: ...car pels counter tops lavy Lub and shower and galley oInllate lir s to maximum rated cold pressure I _JParkthe motor homeas level as possible front to rear and side to ide Block wheels front andrcal and leave the parking brake ON Iv JCheek thceharge in Lhebattery Reeharg as necessary Tum off inverter f JRemove battery cables Clean terminals top uml sides of battcr ies and battery boxes Reinstall c...

Page 186: ...ioscholdingtunkdrain city water inlet oTurn orf all radios TVs inte rior andex erio lights inverter battery disnmnccls appliances _ vent fans and range hood oClose curtains and or blinds an l pull shades U Disconnect and store the J20 volt power cord oCover tire with cloth plyw od oraftermarket tire covers U epare genenltor Refcr to gen ratoroperating manualincludcd in your Ow ner s InformationP u...

Page 187: ...it takc the haHery to reach 1 220 depends on ils condition and the temperature The colder the storage _area the slower the ballery will Self discharge Anor mal time helweenchargesis three months I J Remove clean and replace ah conditioner mlers Cover the air conditioner shroud s oCover the windows on the in side with foil cardboard paper etc to reduce curtain drape and carpet fading oRemove batter...

Page 188: ...dehris or insect nests webs etc Openalldoors and compartments Check for animal or insect intru sion waler damage or other dete rioration U Check all chassis fluid levels _ engine oil engine coolant power steering fluid transmission fluid rear axle oil U Check charge level in halle11es Refill and recharge as necessary Rcinstall battcrics if nccessary Be sme cable ends and terminals arc clean and fr...

Page 189: ...or each device fOl addi tional requircmenls UTest carbon monoxide LP gas and smoke detectors oCheck m Jnil r panel operation U Open and operate venls and vent fans including the range hood fan I _JPrepare the genCf lor for opera tion following illstruction in the gcnerUlor operating manual in your Owner s Infonnatioll Package DOperate 120 voll appliances and air conditioners Be sure lo uncover uir...

Page 190: ...ary Flush the underside thor oughly U Run thorough operationaichccks ofstccring brakes engine and trans mission Operate vehicle slowly during these checks to allow suffi cient circulation of fluids and re sealing of components Your motor home should now be ready for a new traveling season j ryou choose your dealer can double check yourpreparationand correctany defects or make any ncccs ary wJj L l...

Page 191: ...cturer s informaJion that may be provided in your Owner s InformationPackage for h fonnati 1l on mainte nance and tire care The maximum inflatioa pressures are stated on the Federal Ceitif ication Tag located on the sidewall near the driver s seal To maximize tire perfor mance consult wi th the tire manufacturer s gui4elines Of Chassis Operatur s Owner s Guide Manual for reCommended tire intlation...

Page 192: ...tor s Owner s GuideIManualfor correctlug nuttorque and torquing procedure TIRE REPLACEMENT Replacement tires must be the same sizo type and treat depth per axle and lave atlcast the samo weight carrying capacity as the original equipment All tires of the same si7 e and rating may not have the same weight canying capacity Consult your lire dealer The miginal equipment tires supplied on your motor h...

Page 193: ...FLAT TIRE Even with good tire maintenance and normal driving you may CXl cricm e a l1al1ire Summon professional help through yOUI auto dub or travel service or a local truck service facility Your motor home is not equipped with ajack or other lifting device Do not attempt 0 lift the motor hom e with a jack Consult the Chassis Operatof sJOwner s Guidcll 1anuai for additional information on Lire inf...

Page 194: ...ptto remove the spare tire unless you are capable of handling the weight NOTE If you need on fhe road tire service and call for assistance be ready to give the rire size information to the selVice facility Some service facilities may be able to rep r or replace the ire on the spot ____________ e American Dream _____ ...

Page 195: ...leh head i the coniponent hal includes the hitch ball Hitdi head assemblies are available in both Wcighl 1Jistlihutitl load equalizing and Weight Carrying types A weight distributing _ hitch u_scs spring hars attachea to the trailer tongue A frame a scmbly to ll unskr some of the trailer tongue weight to both m tor home axlcs A weight carrying hiwh head assembly does not usc spring bars All of the...

Page 196: ...uwed loads that are availablC to you The ratings associated wilh lheparticular hitch receiver supplied WiUl your motor home arc noted on he wardrphe door tag and Oil a label affixed to the hitch l ecelver Consult with your dealer Of lowing equipment traikr supplier to determine the COLTco t lype of hitch head assembly you should use ror the towed load you inlend to pull WARNING Failure to understa...

Page 197: ...electrical connection for your towed vehicle The hitch plug is located at the rear of the motor home near the hil h receiver II is II 7 position connector wired as follows I 00 c HITCH GRClUND L 0048 LefT TURN D015 6ACKUP U HT OOBS MARKER LIGHTS TO POWER DISlRlBUTION BOX BATTERY COMPTi 0076 STOP LiGHr D047 R GI1T TURN ruoo OCe Tf IV VEHICLE POWER _ __ American Dream ...

Page 198: ...cbrakin g as well as tum signal Towed vehicles wilh this lype or lighting will nol be able 10 ulili c the standard hitch plug on your motor horne For lowed vchidcs with this type of lighting you wlll need to replace your hitch pltlg A n placcmcnt hitch plug wiring harness is available through Fleetwood s Amelinll1 Coach Service TillS harness replaces your current hitch plug ar td is easi Iy instal...

Page 199: ...ed by the operator Oper tion of the Shift Selector The push button shift selector has R N D iJ a MODE button and a digital display When II range huHon has been pre sed the moni lor displays the chosen operation if the electronic control unit determines the shift is accept able and the transmission will shift into gear The transmission starts in the lowest gear oftl1c range and as condilions permit...

Page 200: ...e transmission i e upshifts anu uownshirts inay he res ridl d Dirl ction changes will not occur The ECU will cau e Ihe transmission to shift to a safe gear and Hold ln Range and disengage the lockup clutch Rescl procedure to clear CHECK TRANSMISSION lighl and l Cstore operation When Ihe CllECKTRANS MISSIONlight comeson a reset pr edurc can be performed to clear the system Ifnecessary continue 10 o...

Page 201: ...empera ture is outsjde the nonna limi ls slOp the vehicle at a safe location and summon scrvicc Ifthe temperature is within limits the vehicle may be carefully driven to a service facility if conditions can he negotiated sarely Diagnostic Codes Illumination or the CHECK TRANS MISSION or SERVICE light dming vehicle operation indicates that the HCU has registered a diagnostic eode Diagnostic codes c...

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Page 203: ...lationPackagc DRAINING THE HOLDING TANKS The holding tanks terminate in a valve arrangement that permits draining each tank separately or together Thevalves are called knife valves A blade closes the opening in the sewer drain pipes The blade is comieeted to a T handle that is pulled to release the wnlents of the tank s During self containment usc the sewer line is securely capped to prevent leaka...

Page 204: ...s securely capped To drain the holding tanks Attach the sewer hose to the holding tank ontlet 111sertthe end of the hose in o the sewer or dun p station inlet pushing it firmly far enough into the opening to be secure In SOlne 1 eS adapters Illay be necessary between the line and the inlet Arrange the sewer hoseso it slopes evenly Drain the black water holding tanktlrst Grasp the handle of the bla...

Page 205: ...side of the sanilh ing bottle cover 8 Connect the mak disc mnect to the San T Flush valve yellow handle Tum the valve ta BLACK TANK 9 Plush black lank until tablet b 10 dissolved 10 While water is funning urn the San T Flush valve to GREY WATER TANK and flush unlillhe tablet is dissolved 11 Tum San l Flush valve to BLACK TANK 12 Remove San I Flush attachmenL am garden hose 13 Remove thc sewer hose...

Page 206: ... bottom with water aftcr draining Use Gilly toilet tissue fonnulatcd for usc in septic lank Of RV sanil alii ll systems Keep holh kni fe valves closed and locked and the drain cap _tightly in placc when using lh y lem on the road Use only cleaners that arc approved for usc in septiG tank or RV sanitation systems Use a special holding tank deodorant chemicalapprovcdfor septic tank ystems in the bla...

Page 207: ...e careful not tQ overtighten when reassembling Do not use harsh household drain cleaners Do not usc motorized drain augers Sometimes the holding tank valve will get clogged In this case a hand operated auger may be necessary Be ready to close the valve quickly once the clog is cleared If the seal gets damaged it is easily replaced 42 Page50f5 ___ American Dream _____ ...

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Page 209: ...Owner s Information Paclmge 2 Fill the water healer with wateL 3 1 1I11 the AUX banery disconnect ON 4 OPEN the LP gas tank valve turn Oil the LP leak detector 5 Place the WATER HEATER switch located althe galley water pump water heater plmelto the ON position 6 If the switch lif1 ht stays on longer than 15 seconds place switch in OFF position uml wait 5 minutes 7 Repeat step 5 120 YOI l AC 1 Read...

Page 210: ... out the element and void the warranty CAUTION Do not light water heater until it is filled with water furn on the hot wateJ faucet at the galley sink If waler Jows cOlltinuously the healer is full WATER HEATER BYPASSVALVE This valve is provided to cuI off the flo of water to the water healer The bypass valve greatly reduces the quantity of antifreeze required t winterize the water system The vulv...

Page 211: ...In this case the screftns will be destroyed and will probably have to be replaced EMERGENCY EXIT WINDOW READ AND UNDERSTAND THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEfORE YOU NEED TO USE THEM The emergency exit window provides an emergency iueans ofescapeir the motorhome doors afe blocked or disallh d for any reasoil or in case the molor home must be evaCLlated llllderemcrgcncy condiliolls To release the window oliow ...

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Page 213: ...eandwinteri t e the genera tor as outlined in the gent rator op erating manual ineludcd in your 9wner s Information Package oWintel1 ze theLPgas system Your LP dealer or selyice station will pelfofln this for yOll 1 J Winterize all appliances as out lined in the individual operator s manuals U Rcmove snow _ac umulations as often as possible WATER SYSTEM WINTERIZING UJRead this section completely b...

Page 214: ...r to cycle oUllhe remaining water I JDrain the waste water system by following the normal proce durefor draining theholdingtanks See WASTE WATER SYS TEM chapter J APIJlysilieonelubrieationtothe knife valve actuator rod s I j Be sure ALL water from ALL plumbilig fixtures nas been drained CAUTION Draining the water system alone will not provide adequate coldweather protection Ifthe motor t ome is to...

Page 215: ... the Loilet ulltii the anti freeze solution I1liws coutinuously_ Release flush mechanism I Wintcrize the water heater ac cording to the i lsl111clionsprovided with the waLer heater opt ruling manual iLJ _ JWhcn filling the plumbing sys tems with antifreeze besure to open ami operate ull fixtures and valves allowing the antifreeze solution to now freely L Pour one cup of antifreeze solu tion down e...

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Page 217: ... ___ PO 107006 12v _ leadllghl h iogcn high am_ Sylvania 9 0511BJE132B5 12v Headlight halogen high lm beam _ Turn 3 gnallights arnb Frun clearance lights Side rker jgh Minur lun ignalliglus Porch light TInny step ligbt SylvUTIi 9 1 iHB4EBJ2B4 12v GIl 2057 12v 1lEfi7DP 12v GH 194 12v GE lH9S 12v Jem enlIJ 3 12v GIl 193 12v GIl 7DP 12v Reo clearance lights Back ull lights Slop turn taillights Licc c...

Page 218: ...Ught Rea FUlmlCe Prom l urnfice Fn CT Antenn Bouster Luggage Compattment Llgnl Walet Pump Switch Water Healer Swilch Water leater Ug J ts Main Power Im c11ur TransmissIOn Power Brake Light Ignilion 1 J ct HOUl rowe Hazard Power MlS Puwcr Rating 1 1 A 50A OA 15A Rating OA 15 1 M lOA 301 OA OA 20A 15A L A WA OA 15A_ J5A 150A 300A WA A WA WA WA I ncatin l Bedroom He irwm Bedroom Bedroom Jkd m Bedroom...

Page 219: ...ighb D I Exhmm Brake Power WA Dash Heaicr llcfm31 Power oA 1 11 Radio Puwer WA Da cn Radio PO l er 15A Dash Ovc c 1 Fan Power 15A Da h Spot Llghl Powo A nil W Ignition puwer lOA Baa Com Slol Lighl Power J A Tlau Camp Right Turn Relay Powe A B I Com Left TumRel y Puwcr Batt Curnl H Kk np Ugh Po e 7 _ A Batt Comp Air Dry lUA 1 11 COl1lP Moi ture EJeclur OA Dash Tow Vehicle JOA Batt Camp Tml Marker P...

Page 220: ...T R ECOMMENDATIONS Windshlel l Silk Flex 255 black All roof except skylight and cleonmce lights UniroJ al SUap M i261J G lc l 231JO TJ poly Clem Skylight Sealant _ Sure d SBJ JO TIlTClldcd nlad pipe al hlack a d gray waler b iuing tanh Pe I 80126 All r 1l walet lhreaded fiuing Redvl eal f virgil Teflon All t l e ded U G blacK pipe Reclvr 1 Slvw Dry 5 Sojl Sei l ipe Ihread comp ENGINEffRANSMISSION ...

Page 221: ... for sile set up A detailed operating Hnd maintenance guide is included in your Owner s Information l ackage Read all inshuctiollS for this system carefully before operating the slide out CAUTION Never attempt to move your motor home with the slide out room extended Damage can occur to the slide out or motor home American Dream ____ ...

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