Flame MIDI TALKING SYNTH User Manual Download Page 1



1. Introduction

The FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH is a small-sized MIDI-controlled sound module based
on the analogue Speakjet ™  chip,  produced by the U.S. company Magnevation LLC.
Originally designed for basic artificially generated speech output in American English ton-
gue it was then refined and further developed as an 8-bit sound module with speech-like
sounds and synthetic robot voices as well as beeps, alarms, noise and retro-style sci-fi

Due to the structure of the Speakjet ™  (with its complex sound synthesizer, preset sounds
and serial interface) it offers an impressive range of possibilities.  It contains 72 speech
elements (allophones), 43 sound effects, and 12 DTM touch tones.  The idea was to create
sounds, patterns and sequences in the 8-bit style of the 80s or other retro sounds for
making music instead of just simulating speech.  Most allophones can be tuned and used

The FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH contains two Speakjet ™ chips to produce a richer and
more complex tonal variety as well as generating a pseudo stereo effect.

Since the Speakjet ™ has not originally been laid out for the purpose of making music it is
actually not fully controllable via MIDI input, i.e.: once sounds are triggered they cannot be
directly stopped by Note Off messages from a MIDI keyboard or a sequencer. Thus a MIDI-
controlled audio tremolo has been implemented in the FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH vir-
tually allowing MIDI control and enabling an easier integration into a MIDI setup. 

The FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH lets you play back preset words in its EXPANDER mode
via an external MIDI keyboard or a sequencer. In addition you can use the FLAME MIDI
TALKING SYNTH as a stand-alone MIDI controller since all controls and joysticks send
MIDI control/change data to the MIDI-OUT connector.

2. Technical Design

The internal sound is generated by the two independently controlled Speakjet ™  chips.
Each of them provides a mono audio output (32 kHz PWM output) through a 6.3 mm ste-
reo socket.  The right audio channel is assigned to chip A, the left channel to chip B. An
insert Y cable splits both channels into two mono audio outputs, allowing you to position
the channels individually within the stereo sound field with any external mixing device. 

The sound level ratio of both chips can be adjusted with the MIX control. An equal sound
level is obtained by turning the MIX control to the centre position. All functions are clearly
visible on the front panel with the start/ stop /MIDI-sync/ tempo functions on the upper
right-hand corner, sound/ tremolo/ scale/ note/ pitch and random functions in the midd-
le.  The HOLD-switches are used to freeze the position of the joysticks.  

The REC-switches are used to play back the recorded movements of the joysticks. You can
switch between the modes SEQUENCER (SEQ) and EXPANDER (EXP) with the switch in the
middle of the panel.

3. Basic Operation

In SEQ mode sounds can be played manually. While the SEQUENCER is stopped (upper
right switch is set to its lower position ‘STOP’) the TREMOLOS must be switched off
(switches A and B in the TREMOLO section are set to their lower positions) in order not
to interrupt the sound. The HOLD and REC switches should be in their upper positions.  

The FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH is played by using the joystick TALK. Move the joystick
out of its centre position to trigger any sounds (when the joystick is in the exact centre
position, no sounds are triggered). As the HOLD function is inactive (i.e.: HOLD switch is
in upper position), the joysticks movements are automatically recorded over a period of
two measures. When you activate (i.e.: toggle down) the HOLD switch, the current posi-
tion of the joystick will freeze and any further movements will have no effect. 

Toggle down the REC switch to play back the recorded movements (any manual agita-
tion of the joystick has no effect now).  The tempo of the play-back depends on the inter-
nal respectively external MIDI tempo.  The MIDI tempo is signalled by the SCALE LED,
which flashes at the beginning of each measure serving as a visual control mechanism
for the recording period.  


As outlined above in this mode sounds are played manually and are interrupted by the
MIDI clock-controlled TREMOLO.
Sounds can also be played without sequencer running.  The sequencer is controlled by
the internal or external MIDI clock and sends MIDI TIMING data (start/ stop/ clock) when

4.1.1. TALK / SOUND

joystick TALK

This is the control that triggers the sound.  No sound is triggered in the centre position
unless the corresponding switch HOLD or REC are in the lower position and generate
frozen or recorded joystick data. 

64 sounds can be played.  They are arranged in 8 lists each containing 16 sound ele-
ments. Each sound bank contains different lists. Above the centre position the sounds
of the lists are played individually. Below the centre position the sounds of the lists are
played in sequence depending on the joystick’s position.

This way short sequences can be played in loops, which consist of up to 16 elements.  
Some of the 12 sound banks contain fewer elements so that it is easier to find the same

The sounds you play depend on their note values (position of the joystick, scale, SCALE-
switch). Moving the joystick vertically alters the pitch within a range of 3 octaves. Moving
the joystick horizontally changes the formants of the sound (male-female) giving it the
typical robot-like sound effect. Use the HOLD and REC switches to freeze and play-back
the sounds you play.

Once the sequencer has been started (internally or externally), you can interrupt the
audio signal with the TREMOLO by toggling up one or both TREMOLO switches. The
LEDs indicate the rhythm (flashing = audio on). This can be set individually for each
Speakjet ™  chips.  The 8/16 switch enables you to switch the quantization between qua-
vers and semi quavers. The next switch to the right sets up the phase. Both settings
apply for A and B.

It is not possible to trigger sounds in the SEQ mode via external MIDI note.

In the EXP mode the synthesizer works just like a drum expander module.  Words and
sounds are triggered only by received MIDI notes.  No sequencer/ tremolo/ random or
scale functions are available in this mode.

HOLD switch (Talk)

This switch freezes the current position of the joystick.  
Only those sounds are played back.






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e:: No sounds are played while the joystick is in centre position.

REC switch (Talk)

With this switch the joystick movement is continually recorded over the period of two
measures.  When the switch is toggled down, the recorded movements are played back.
Manual playing is not possible then.  






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e that the tempo depends on the MIDI tempo. The LED flashes for every bar

signalling the recording window (when sequencer is stopped).  Recording as well as
playing back lasts two bars and is then continually repeated.  When the sequencer is
started the MIDI clock LEDs give a visual control.

LOOP switch

In the lower position (LOOP on) any chosen sound is repeated continually.  In the upper
position (LOOP off) the sound elements are only played once. This applies for Speakjet
A and B.
