Technical Description
FG-DC_10523-GB_AP Bio_IOM-R0-12/2020 • Subject to modifications
Technical Description
Unit description
AP BIO air purifiers are equipped with a filtration system for decontamination of air.
This process is performed by filter inserts of filtration class ISO ePM1 55% (F7) and
HEPA filter inserts of filtration class H14 with active bactericidal, fungicidal and viru-
cidal agent AirFend ™, which filters and decontaminates bacteria and viruses.
AP BIO air purifiers are fully completed at the factory and are subjected to a test oper-
ation, so they are easy and quick to install.
Directives and regulations
Units meet the following directives and standards:
– Directive on Machinery 2006/42/EC
– Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2014/35/EU
– Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 2014/30/EU
– Certified Quality Management System ISO 9001
4.1.1 General overview
Fig. 4-1
General overview AP BIO 400, 500 and 1000
1: Control panel
2: Indoor air inlet
3: Pre-filter ISO ePM1 55% (F7)
4: Access panel with key
5: Power socket with integrated switch
6: Identification plate
7: HEPA H14 AirFend filters
8: Fans with EC motors
9: Casters
10: Clean air outlet