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User manual, Revision 2.0
Components: Electrospray vial holder
The electrospray vial holder incorporates all the connections and fittings required to produce
the electrospray. It can be seamlessly coupled and decoupled with the main body to ease
operation and cleaning procedures.
Figure 4. Electrospray vial holder
Components: Electrospray Probe
The electrospray probe houses the tip of the silica capillary, and incorporates a positioning
system that allows repeatable and optimum conditions. It closes the ionization chamber and
guides the sample gas smoothly to the electrospray tip to minimize convective evaporation at
the meniscus of the spray, thereby improving the stability of the spray at temperatures close to
the boiling point of the electrospray liquid.
The handgrip is thermally insulated with ceramic spacers to ensure that the parts in contact with
the sample gas can be maintained at high temperature while the parts in contact with the user
remain at safe temperatures.
Figure 5. Electrospray probe.
*The figure may diffe r from the latest design.