Instruction Manual
EZ Valve
November 2017
d. Install the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly on the top of the seat ring, ensuring that the seat ring retainer
slips onto the seat ring properly. Any rotation orientation of the seat ring retainer with respect to the valve body
is acceptable.
e. Place the spiral wound gasket, shim, and bonnet gasket (keys 12, 25, and 10) on the shoulder of the seat ring
f. Slide the valve plug/adaptor assembly or the valve plug guide/adaptor assembly and the connected stem and
bellows assembly into the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly (keys 3 and 26).
g. Place a new gasket (key 22, figure 11) over the stem and bellows assembly.
6. Mount the bonnet on the valve body and complete the assembly according to steps 10 through 15 of the Replacing
Packing procedure, omitting steps 12 and 13 if new packing is not being installed, and being sure to observe the
note prior to step 11.
ENVIRO‐SEAL Bellows Seal and Bonnet
Replacing a Plain or Extension Bonnet with an ENVIRO‐SEAL Bellows Seal (Stem/Bellows
Assembly) and Bonnet
Instructions are provided for replacing a plain or extension bonnet with an ENVIRO‐SEAL bellows seal bonnet when the
existing valve has a metal seat. If the valve has a composition seat, refer to figure 13 and to composition seat
information in the Valves with ENVIRO‐SEAL Bellows Seal Bonnet procedure of the Trim Maintenance section.
1. Remove the actuator and bonnet according to steps 1 through 6 of the Replacing Packing procedure of the
Maintenance section.
With some valve plug sizes and configurations, the valve plug will slide through the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly, and in
other configurations it won't. If the valve plug will not slide through the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly, then the valve
plug and stem assembly and the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly must be removed together.
2. Using care, remove the valve plug and stem assembly, and, if necessary, the seat ring retainer and bushing
assembly from the valve body.
surfaces and to prevent foreign material from entering the valve body cavity.
The ENVIRO‐SEAL stem/bellows assembly for easy‐e valves is available only with a threaded and drilled plug/adaptor connection.
The existing valve plug can be reused with the new stem/bellows assembly or a new plug can be installed.
4. Inspect the existing valve plug. If the plug is in good condition, it can be reused with the new ENVIRO‐SEAL
stem/bellows assembly. To remove the existing valve plug from the stem, first, place the existing plug stem
assembly in a soft‐jaw chuck or other type of vise so that the jaws grip a portion of the valve plug that is not a
seating surface. Drive out or drill out the pin (key 8, figure 12).
5. Place a wrench on the flat areas on the existing valve stem just below the threads for the actuator/stem connection.
Then, unscrew the stem from the valve plug (key 2, figure 12).