Fisher & Paykel OD301MV1-87818 User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for OD301MV1-87818

Page 1: ...t ...

Page 2: ...ries USING YOUR OVEN Setting the Clock 8 Oven Modes 10 OptfleveF 13 Accessories 14 Oven Operation 16 User Select Options 23 Cooking Charts 25 CARE AND CLEANING Cleaning YourOven 32 Self Cleaning Mode 33 TroubleShooting 35 WARRANTY For USA and Canada 38 For New Zealand _ Australia 40 Proof of Purchase 40 CUSTOMER CARE 41 ...

Page 3: ...safely Please read the whole guide carefully before starting to use your oven IMPORTANT It is important that the User Guideshould be retained with the appliance for future reference Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner always ensure that the User Guideis left with the appliance in order that the new owner can familiarize themselves with the appliance and the relevant warnin...

Page 4: shelf position With thirteen different positions available OptitevetTM gives you the ultimate in cooking flexibility oerOY_ N TM Dynamic true convection gives an even air temperature throughout the entire oven providing you with excellent results every time ...

Page 5: ...ogen lights and Blue Diamond _ porcelain enamel teamed with crisp contours and refined elegance make this oven a pleasure to use DIALTRONIC TM Preciseelectronics teamed with individual displays and a familiar dial gives you simplicity in control ...

Page 6: ... allowedto sit or standonanypart of the appliance Wear appropriateapparel Donot wear loosefitting or hanginggarmentswhen usingthe oven Theycouldigniteor melt if theytouch an elementor hot surfaceoryou couldbeburned Use onlydry ovenmitts or potholders Moist or damppotholders on hot surfacescouldresultin burnsfrom steam Do not let potholders touchhot orheatingelements Donot usea towel or a bulkyclot...

Page 7: ...keepovenventducts unobstructed Useonlycookwareapprovedfor ovenuse Followthe cookwaremanufacturers instructions Disconnect the electricalsupplybeforeservicingthe oven CARE AND CLEANING Smallamountsof harmfulchemicals aregivenoff inthe self cleaning cyclefrom insulation andfood decomposition Significantexposure to thesesubstances cancausecancerorreproductiveharm Ventingwith a hoodoropenwindowandwipi...

Page 8: ...pages Pleasereadthis information carefullybeforeusingyouroven I ControlPanel 2 DoorHandle 3 OvenWindow 4 UpperOven 5 LowerOven doublemodelsonly Note Upperovendoor withlogo andlower ovendoorarenot interchangable 6 Model8 SerialNumber 7 SelfCleanLatch 8 DoorSeal 9 CavitySeal 10 BroilElement 1I OvenLights 12 Cooking Probe Socket 13 AeroTM Fan8 Concealed Element 14 LowerConcealed Element 15 DoorHinge ...

Page 9: ...WITH THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES 2 Non Stick CookieSheets per oven 3 Buat Wire Shelvesper oven 1PizzaStone B Paddle 1 Cooking Probe per oven 1 Three piece Broiling System per oven wire rack grid and pan 1 ToughGlass Tray ...

Page 10: ... THE CLOCK Thisclockhasadefault12 hourdisplay _M 12 00 will be shownwhenthe ovenhasbeenturnedonat the wall andthe colonwill flash While the colonisflashingrotatethe SETTING SELECTOR until the correcttime of dayis showing Press CLOCK to adoptthe time you havesetor wait 8 secondsandthe settingwill beautomatically adopted Referto the UserSelectOptionson page23for instructionson how to changethe clock...

Page 11: ...tionshelvesin the ovenbeforepreheating When your ovenis preheating yourselectedcookingtemperatureis displayed alternatelywith the actualoven temperature Whenthe ovenhasreachedthe selectedtemperatureanaudiblebeepwill soundandthe temperature displaywill changefrom redto green stainless steelmodels or orangeto white Iridiummodels Preheating yourevenis not required when usingRoastandAeroBroi TheAeroTe...

Page 12: ...lfcooking Thelargecavityprovidesampleusablespace whichis illuminated by threeinteriorhalogen floodlights Visualfeedbackof cookingprogress is instant Activeventingincorporates afan andsmokeeliminator to removeodorswhen required OVEN MODES YourFisher_ PaykelAeroTech TM ovenhas9 cookingmodesplusWarmandSelfClean Thesemodesusedifferentcombinations of elementsandthe convection fan to giveyoumaximumflexi...

Page 13: ...andlowerconcealed elements Bakeis the conventional cookingmode suitablefor singleshelfcooking It is idealfor foodsthat requirelongcookingperiodsor cookingat low temperatures like meringues andrichfruitcakes Bakeat 80 F 30 Cis greatfor proofingbread aerO PAsTAY Heatfromthe lower concealed elementis circulatedthroughoutthe ovencavitybythe ovenfan Excellent for sweet andsavorypastryfoods for moist br...

Page 14: ...lingallyour usualfavorites MaxiBroiltakesa minuteor so to warm upandis carriedout with the doorclosed Powerlevelsareexpressedasa percentage fromLO 50 power to HI 100 power AeroBroilproduces foodwith afinishthat is similarto arotisserie Meat poultryandvegetablescook beautifully food is crispandbrownonthe outsidewhile the insideremainsmoistandtender Tryusingthis modewith foodsyoumightusuallyfry like...

Page 15: ...esuitablefor baking roastingandcasseroles Formorespecificinformationonwhich shelfpositionto use referto the Cooking Chartswhichstart onpage26 Yourovenshelvescomewith built instop locksfor yoursafety this meanswhen insertedproperlytheywill not tilt when pulled towardsyou ToInsert Shelves Choose the shelfpositionyourequireandplacea shelfeitheronthe runnersor in betweenthe runners Position the shelve...

Page 16: ...toughglassandareperfectovento tableware Theglasstrayis greatfor allBroilandBakemodes Washin hot soapywateror the dishwasher Soaking with a little dishwasher detergentwill helpto removestubborn stains COOKIE SHEETS TheCookieSheetshavea non stick finishandneedonlya lightcoatingof cookingsprayor greasing beforeuse Theirdarkcolor absorbsheat andyou mayfind thatyourfavoriterecipescookmorequicklythanon ...

Page 17: ...h nodetergent Itthen needsto be conditioned by heatingin the ovenfor 1 hourat 4OO F 2OO C onAeroPastry If you donot useyourPizza Stonefor anylength of time it mayneedto beconditioned again Donot washyourPizza Stoneas it will absorbwaterandcrackonheating Usingthe Pizza Stoneis agreatway to cookbought readymadepizzasas well as homemadeones If cooking frozenpizza allowto defrostcompletelybeforeplacin...

Page 18: ...roven cavitysettings 4 SettingSelector Pushto Clear ALL ABOUT THE TIMER Tile timercan beusedat anytime evenwhenthe ovenis not in use To setthe timer pressTIMER Timer andthe colonwill flash Rotatethe SETTING SELECTOR PUSH TOCLEAR untilyouhavethe time youneed Press TIMERorwait 8 seconds for the settingto beadoptedandthe timerwill beginto countdown To cancelthe timer pressTIMER then PUSH TOCLEAR When...

Page 19: ... Time and Auto will flashinthe clockdisplay Turnthe ovenmodeandtemperaturedialsto OFF andafter 8 secondsthe ovenwill returnto manualoperation To Set Automatic Stop Cooking Theovencanbe set to stopautomaticallyat any time duringnormaluseor at the time youturn it on Remember to checkthat the clockshowsthe correcttime andselectthe upperor lowercavityina doubleoven Selectthe ovenmodeandtemperature Pre...

Page 20: ... SELECTOR while Probe is flashing ForCooking Probe andRoasting Guidelines seepage31 The display will showthe actualinternaltemperature Tolookat the set internaltemperaturepressPROBE The ovenwill beepandautomatically turnoff whenthe set internaltemperaturehasbeenreached Thetemperature andoven modedisplayswill remainonandthe ovenlight will go out Return the ovento manualmodeby pressing the PUSH TOCL...

Page 21: ...ackallowshotairto circulatearoundit andgivesmoreevenbrowning Thickpiecesof meattakelongerto cookthanthin piecesof the sameweight Meatcooksby absorbingheatfromthe outersurfaceto the middle Thethickerthe meatthe longerit will taketo cook Roasts containingbonescookmorequicklythanboneless or rolledroastsdueto the boneconductingheatthroughoutthe meat Stuffedroastswill takelongerto cook Selecting the co...

Page 22: ...per elementsareusedandthe hot air is circulatedaroundthe ovenby the ovenfan situatedat the rearof the oven cavity Placethe food ontop of the broilingrack gridandpan Selectthe shelfpositionyou wantto broilat see the BroilingChartonpage30for suggestedshelfpositions times andtemperatures AeroBroitis suitablefor foods that youmightnormallypanfry barbecueorrotisserie andfor largercuts of meat WARNING W...

Page 23: ...ld flour inverygentlyusinga largemetalspoonanda cut andfold actionuntilingredients arejust combined Pour the mixtureinto preparedpansandthentap the pangentlyonthe benchto releaseany largeairbubbles For maximum volumewhenwhiskingeggwhites makesurebowl andbeatersarescrupulously cleanandfreefrom grease Whenbaking makesurethe caketins do not toucheachother orthe sidesof the oven staggertins acrossshel...

Page 24: dry Removestones stemsor pipsif necessary Placefruit ona cookiesheetona shelfinthe oven To dehydrate foods we recommendusingTrueAero orAeroBake at a temperatureof 120 50 C Tips for Defrosting Todefrostfoodsselectthe TrueAero modeanda temperatureof 120_T 5O_C Selectthe shelfposition s andplacefood that is to bedefrostedinanovensafedishin the centerof the ovenshelf Llse the minutetimerif desiredt...

Page 25: ...dialclockwiseuntil SabMode appearsin the display Selectthe lengthof timeyou wishto stay inSabbathMode byturningthe SETTING SELECTOR Themaximumis 99 hours in 1 hoursteps Selecta temperature Bakeis the onlyovenmodeavailablein SabbathMode Tostart SabbathMode pressPUSH TOCLEAR Theovenmodedisplaywill show SabMode with no backlight The temperaturedisplaywill show temperatures canbe adjustedbut the displ...

Page 26: ...edoptionandpressthe CLOCK buttonto activate HOW TO H DE THE TIME IN THE CLOCK DISPLAY Enter the UserSelectmodeandturn the ovenmodedialclockwiseuntil ShowClock appearsinthe display PressPUSH TOCLEAR to selecteither ON or OFF inthe clock display Selecting ON will showthe time and OFF will hidethe time inthe clockdisplay All otherfunctions suchasTimer will continue to beshownas normalin the clockdisp...

Page 27: ... Biscuits singletray multitray ChewyChoc ChipCookies Slices Squares Pound Cake FruitCake Sponge Muffins singletray multitray Meringue Bread Rolls _D 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pastry ApplePie Quiche Custard TarL Phyllo Fla key Puff Choux 0 0 c_ _ 0 Meat Fbh andPoultry RoastBeef Pork Lamb RoastChicken whole pieces RoastTurkey whole Steak Chops Cutlets Fish 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 o_ o o FamilyFavorites Pizza Casserole Lasa...

Page 28: ...ry _ _ 4 _ 10 14 16 375 390 190 200 11 F i ling Z _ 360 L 75 _80 FillingCont 20 30 310 330 155 165 11 FamilyFavorites 350 375 Z5 0 Meatloaf Ch nBeces 5 3 60 350375Z Z5 90 0 hickon Casserole 55 70 340375 170 190 10 Vegetables Bakec 30 350 375 75 _ 10 Roasl d 30 45 3753 190 200 9 MULTI SHELF COOKING Formultishelfcookingremember to select TrueAero Multi shelfrecommendations arelistedafter the singles...

Page 29: ...olls 15 30 390 425 200 220 8 z_a 2 3So 2Qo 2 ApplePie 25 30 375 400 1go 2go 11 PI _ Q 5 25 375 390 90 200 9 Ja _ _I 20 30 2 _0 _ Ou phe 20 25 75 2C_0 _O q 0 9 3o 40 o q_ oux s t gO _ _ o 2g 2 _ F lli 7 9 35 360 8 FillingCont 20 25 280 300 140 150 8 a_a_ne 4o 5q M_a oat _5 65 8 30 0 35 31375 75 19 ChickenCasserole 50 50 350 375 175 190 1I Roasted 30 45 375390 1gO200 9 ...

Page 30: ...00 220 8 Applepie 25 35 390 410 200 210 11 Pastry Family Favorites Vegetables Pby _ _0 30 _ Q_i g 20 30 350 39_L_Z5 20_ _ CustardTart Pastr_ 12 15 375 _9_L g0 z 8 Z 9 350 _ _Z5 180 8 FillingCont 20 25 280 300 140 150 8 a agnA 40 5_ _50 375Z 75 90 6 i r 9 ChickenPieces 30 40 350 375 175 190 9 ChbkenCasseroJ 70 90 350 360 175 I80 10 Baked 40 50 350 375 175 190 8 Roasted 35 50 375 390 190200 8 ...

Page 31: ... 165 9 Shortbread 20 25 270 280 130 140 9 Pizza 1520 440475 225250 I0 Pastry LemonMer gueP e 15 20 340 360 1_0 I_0 Baked products PASTRY BAKE 10 15 320 330 160 165 9 Pastry Pizza I5 20 440 475 225250 8 Lemon Meringue Pie 15 20 340 360 170 180 8 ...

Page 32: ...iiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii M_atballs 10 15 I2 15 Well done 20 25 Hi Hi Bacon 4 7 Hi 3 iiiiiiii iiii 15 30 Hi 10 15 Hi 4 Fillets 8I 2 Hi 4 Wholo I5 20 Fii 4 aerO_O_L LAMB PORK CHICKEN _ 8_a_ _ _g _g_ _40 898 2g_ _ Bacon 10 15 425 440 220 225 3 Whole 30_35min 340_360 170_180 9 30 50 350 375 175190 7 SAUSAGES 5 I FISH Fillets 8 12 Hi 4 Whole 1520 Hi 4 ...

Page 33: ...Aem AeroBro4Hake elidone 320340 2545 1701 5 I0 Runs AemBMe I60q 70 7779 _aeAem _eroBroi Bake 7 Veal Medium 320 340 20 43 150 160 10 Roast AeroBake 160 170 65 70 TrueAero AeroBroil Bake Welldone 320 340 25 45 170 175 10 Roast AeroBake 160 170 76 79 TrueAero AeroBroil Bake ii C icker_ow_ele Welldone 350_375 15 0 180 1I gr eAere Roast 175 I90 8 4emBake ZemBmi Bake Turkey Welldone 300 330 17 22 180 13...

Page 34: ...oseto use a commercialstainlesssteel cleaner pleasereadthe label to makesure it does net containchlorinecompounds as these are corrosiveand maydamagethe appearance of youroven Clean the stainlesssteel surfaceswith the grain in a horizontalmotion CLEANING THE DOOR GLASS Cleanthe exteriorglasssurfacewith a mild solutionof detergentandwarmwater Usea glasscleanerto removeany smearsor fingerprints Dryt...

Page 35: ...elves Donot useyouroven to cleanmiscellaneous parts De notcleanthe doororcavityseal or useanyovencleaningproductsonthe doorseal It is essentialto the efficientoperationof the ovenandcare shouldbetakennotto rub damageor movethe seal Cleanonlypartsrecommended in thisUserGuide Using the Self Clean Mode Selectthe SetfCteanmodebyturningthe ovenmodedial Self Clean will appearinthe display Selectthe maxi...

Page 36: ...aining Double Oven Models Onlyonecavitycan bein the SelfCleanmodeat a time While onecavityis in SelfCleanmodethe othercavitycannotbeused Self Cleaning Delayed Start YourAeroTech TM ovencanbe setto SelfCleanat yourconvenience Checkthe clockshowsthe correcttime of day Selectthe SeffCleanmodebyturningthe ovenmodedial SelfClean will appearin the display Selectthe maximum temperatureusingthe temperatur...

Page 37: ...n in the clock display will flash See page 8 to reset the clock Oven door open Elements disabled by door switch when door is open Make sure door is properly closed CAUSE REMEDY Ovenis still in self cleanmode Yourovendoorwill unlockwhen it hascooledto a safetemperature CAUSE REMEDY Lightbulbhasblown Replace light bulb Referto page37for details Ovenmaynot beconnectedto power supply CAUSE REMEBY Oven...

Page 38: ...o high Trya lowertemperature Position too highin9yen Try a owersh fposition Cakebatterover mixed Mix just longenoughto combineingredients Incorrectmodee g MaxiBroit AeroBro Changeto modewhich supplies top 8 bottomelementheatand oran AerorMmodee g AeroBake TrueAero Pan too deep Checksizeof pananduserecommended size CAUSE REMEDY Baking temperaturetoo low Trya highertemperature Position too low inthe...

Page 39: ...eep cannotbeclearedthisway notedown the faultcodeandswitchthe ovenoff at the mainpowersupply In either event pleasecallyourFisherBPayketAuthorized ServiceCenterandadvisethemof the fault code Thisinformation will helpthemto resolvethe problem If youhaveanyquestionsaboutoperatingthe product pleasecontactourFisherBPayket CustomerCareCenter HOW TO CHANGE THE OVEN LIGHT BULBS Theoven is illuminated by ...

Page 40: ...yreplacethe part orthe Product orwe mayprovideyou afull refundof the purchase priceof the Product not includinginstallationorother charges Thiswarrantyextendsto the originalpurchaser andanysucceeding owner of the Product for productspurchased for ordinarysingle familyhomeuse All serviceunderthisLimitedWarrantyshallbe providedby Fisher 8 Paykel or its Authorized ServiceAgentduringnormalbusiness hou...

Page 41: ...defective and wish service under this Limited Warranty please contact your dealer or call us at TOLLFREE 1 888 9 FNP USA 1 888 9 367 872 Canadaalso or contact us through our web site www usa fisherpaykel com Youmaybe required to providereasonable proofof the date of purchase of the Productbeforethe Productwill beservicedunderthis LimitedWarranty COMMERCIAL USE If youareusingthe Productina commerci...

Page 42: fault s causedby the user B Defectscausedbyfactorsotherthan I Normaldomesticuseor 2 Useinaccordance with the Products UserGuide C Defectsto the Productcausedbyaccident neglect misuseor Act of God D Thecost of repairscarriedout bynomauthorised repairers or the cost of correctingsuchunauthorised repairs E Normalrecommended maintenance as set out inthe ProductsUserGuide SERVICEUNDERTHISMANUFACTUR...

Page 43: ...n New Zealand ff youneed assistance CallyourFisher_ Payketretailerwho is trainedto provideinformation on yourproduct or if we can beof anyfurtherhelp pleasecontact ourCustomer CareCentre TollFree 0800FPCARE or 0800372273 Fax 09 2730656 Emaihcustomer care fp co nz PostalAddress POBox58550 Greenmount Auckland If youneed service Fisher_ Paykethasa networkof independent Fisher_ PayketAUTHORISED SERVIC...

Page 44: ...teof _ssue Underourpohcyof continuous product_mprovement thesespec_ ahons maychangeat anyttme Youshouldthereforecheckw_thyourDealerto ensureths bookletcorrectlydescnbesthe productcurrentlyavailable USA Fisher_ PaykelAuthorizedServiceAgent 1 888 9 FNPUSA 1 888 9 367 872 www usa fisherpaykel com Dateof Issue July 2003 PartNo 545619C ...
