Maintenance Instructions
Seite/Page 86 - Kaptitel/Chapter 8: Maintenance Instructions
can shorten the life span extremely.
Further the operation of the impeller pump loaded in waters with a high portion of suspended matters. The use of the
impeller pump is particularly critical in coral waterbodies. Cases are well-known, which a impeller pump had so
strongly run after 100 hours already that the lip seal on the wave was ground in. In these cases sharp crystal parts of
the coral sand assess in the rubber seal and affect like an abrasive the high-grade steel shank of the impeller pump.
If the generator were mounted over the water level it is particularly unfavorable for the impeller pump. After the first
start some seconds will pass by, until the impeller can suck in cooling water. This short unlubricated operation time
damages the impeller. The increased wear can lead after short time to the loss. (see special notes: "Effects on the
impeller pump, if the generator is mounted over the waterline").
8.13.3 Replacement of the impeller
Fig. 8.13.3-1: Raw water stop cock
Close the raw water stop cock.
Fig. 8.13.3-2: Raw water pump
Raw water pump on the front side of the genset.