Kapitel/Chapter 3: Basics - Seite/Page 37
3.7.4 Measures for extended downtimes / decommissioning
Downtimes (more than 6 months) Courses for preservation:
• Check battery charge status and recharge regularly, roughly every 3 months, as necessary. Observe instructions
of the battery manufacturer.
• Check cooling water anti-freeze level and refill as necessary.
The anti-freeze agent must not be older than 2 years. The anti-freeze content shall be between 40 % and 60 % to
ensure corrosion protection of the cooling water circuit. Top off coolant if necessary.
If the cooling water is drained, e.g. after engine surface protection is applied, no water may remain inside the
engine during the downtime. The control unit must be marked accordingly with a note specifying “NO COOLING
• Drain engine oil as specified. Refill engine with preservative oil to the max. level on the oil dipstick.
• Drain diesel from tank and refill with a protective mixture (90 % diesel and 10 % preservative oil) (level to full).
Crank engine without start.
• Dismount V-belt as specified, wrap and store in a dry location. Protect against UV radiation.
• Disconnect battery. Coat terminals with acid-free grease.
Cover alternator apertures.
Cleaning fluids and preservatives must not enter the
alternator. Risk of destroying the alternator.
• Clean engine as per manufacturer's instructions.
• Spray engine parts and V-belt disks with preservative.
• Clean air filter housing and spray with preservative (metal housing only).
• Spray preservative on intake and exhaust side of exhaust turbocharger (where applicable) and reconnect the lines.
• Remove valve cover and spray inside of valve cover, valve stems, springs, rocker, etc. with preservative oil.
• Remove injection nozzle and coat cylinder surface with preservative oil. Hold stop lever in zero delivery position
and crank engine manually several times. Refit injection nozzles with new seals (at an operation hour of min. 100
hours after the last change). Observe torque values.
• Spray radiator cover and tank cover or radiator cover on expansion tank lightly with preservative oil and refit.
• Close off intake and exhaust apertures (e.g. with tape or end caps).
For storage for more than 12 months, the preservation
measures shall be checked annually and supplemented
as necessary.
Before recommissioning, remove preservatives and
protective measures. Measures for removing surface protection after extended downtimes /
recommissioning (over 6 months):
• Check battery charge status and recharge if necessary. Observe instructions of the battery manufacturer.