General References and Regulations
Seite/Page 18 General.R01.1 - Kapitel/Chapter 1: General References and Regulations
Safety instructions - Safety first!
1.5.1 Safe operation
Careful operation is your best assurance against an accident. Read and understand this manual
carefully before operating the engine. All operators, no matter how much experience they may
have, should read this and other related manuals befor operating the generator or any equipment
attached to it. It is the owner´s obnligation to provide all operators with this information and instruct
them on safe operation.
1.5.2 Observe safety instructions
Read and understand carefully this manual and „Labels at the engine“ before attempting to start and operate the
generator. Learn how to operate and work safely. Know how your equipment and its limitations. Always keep the
generator in good condition.
1.5.3 Wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
Do not wear loose, torn or bulky clothing around the maschine that may catch on working controls
and prejections or into fans, pulleys ond other moving parts causing personal injury.
Use additional safety items-PPE, e.g. safety protection, safety googles, gloves , etc.
Do not operate the generator or any equipment attached to it while under the influence of alcohol,
medication, or other drugs, or while fatigued.
Do not wear radio or music headphones while operating the generator.
1.5.4 Cleanness protect
Keep the engine and the surrounding clean.
Ensure that the generator is stopped before cleaning. Keep the generator clean and free of accu-
mulated dirt, grease and trash to avoid fire. Store flammable liquids in proper containers and cabi-
nets away from sparks and heat. Check for leak immidiately and repair if necessary.