Installation Instructions
Panda 8000-42NE PVMV-N.R01 - Kapitel/Chapter 5: Installation Instructions Seite/Page 69
5.6.9 Coolant Pump
This Is normally equipped with a independent impeller suction pump. This pump suffices if the cooling water pipes
etc equate to the normal standard. Fischer Panda can give no guaranty. It must be determined whether the amount
of cooling water circulating is sufficient. Consideration must always be given to the fact that the water flow is suppor-
ted by an external pump.
5.6.10 Antifreeze
The antifreeze concentration must be regularly checked in the interests of safety. The antifreeze solution supplied
from the factory provides protection to -15°C. If l ower temperatures are occasioned during transportation or storage,
then the coolant must be drained. The cooling system is, however, so arranged that the draining of the coolant is
only possible in the assembled state, when air under pressure is blown into the system. Air pressure of approx. 0.5b
suffices, in order to blow out the water.
5.6.11 Suction filter as a source of noise
The external suction filter (not included on delivery) must always be used if the generator is to be used in a dust-free
environment. This filter is connected by means of a hose with a connecting piece to the generator housing. The filter
can be the source of considerable noise. If this is the case, an air intake muffler with the appropriate nominal width
should be ordered from Fischer Panda. This is a cylinder, which takes up relatively large amou nt of room (Total
length approx 700mm, Diameter 100mm).
5.6.12 Vehicle Generator with Centrifugal Coolant Pump
An impeller pump can also be provided if the radiator, for technical reasons, is to be installed relatively distant from
the radiator and addtionally requires a number of changes to the direction of the pipe. This coolant impeller pump is
mounted on the generator as an additional pump, and is driven by pulleys. The pump action is carried out by a "rub-
ber impeller".
5.6.13 ATTENTION! Temperature restriction!
This pump may only be used if it is ensured that the temperature of the coolant entering the pump does not exceed
70°C during continual duty. 75°C is permissible for short periods. These may, however, in no case be for longer peri-
ods. If the coolant temperature exceeds the permissible rate, this can lead to the impeller blades being torn off.The
advantage of this impeller pump is that this pump, as a "positive displacement pump", is self-suctioning and is there-
fore very sensitive to air bubbles etc.
Ventilating the cooling system with the aid of a self suction impeller pump is very simple. In some cases the pump is
additionally installed for this reason alone. Unfortunately the operating noise of these pumps is very loud.
In spite of this attention must be paid that a zone is available at a high point, where the air bubbles in the coolant are
able to escape to. As a rule, this is the expansion tank, as long as this is connected direct to the tank. If the coolant
expansion tank is, however, so integrated in the system that it cannot be reached by circulating water, then an air
release valve must be fitted in the circulation pipe at a place of your own choice, which can then also be connected
to the expansion tank (see next page).
In case of doubt, you should send a diagram of the required coolant system to Fischer Panda and let this be chek-
ked there.
5.6.14 Installation with special air separator
An "air separator" must be fitted at all critical places in the circulation system, in case a perfect automatic ventilation