General operation
Kapitel/Chapter 13: General operation - Seite/Page 235
13.5 Starting and stopping the generators
13.5.1 Starting the generator
Warning!: Automatic start
Danger for life! - The generator can be equipped with a
automatic start device. This means the generator can be
started by an external signal. To avoid an unexpected
starting of the generator, the starter battery must be dis-
connected before start working at the generator.
Fig. 13.5.1-1: Panel on
1. Press button „on“ (switch on).
LED for „on“ = green.
Fig. 13.5.1-2: Pre-glow
2. Press button „heat“ (pre-glow engine).
LED for „heat“ = orange.
Depending upon engine type and execution pre-heating
can be necessary. Pre-heat is necessary at an operating
temperature <20 °C.
Fig. 13.5.1-3: Start
3. Press button „start“ (start engine).
LED for „start“ = green.
The electric starter may only be used for a maximum of 20
seconds. Thereafter, a pause of at least, 60 seconds is
required. If the genset does not immediately start, then
the fuel intake should be checked to ensure it is flowing
freely. (For temperatures below - 8 °C check whether
there is winter fuel)
4. Switch on load.
The load should only be switched on if the generator volt-
age is within the permissible range. Parallel connection of
several loads should be avoided, especially if there are
loads with electric motors, such as air-conditioning units in
the system. In this case, the load must be connected Step
by Step.