Maintenance Instructions
Kapitel/Chapter 9: Maintenance Instructions - Seite/Page 153
Fig. 9.17-6: Actuator
6. Remove the spindle.
Representative picture
Fig. 9.17-7: Actuator
7. Unscrew three screws on the actuator with a size 0 or 1
phillips screwdriver.
Representative picture
Fig. 9.17-8: Actuator
8. Remove the actuator.
9. To reinstall, reverse the order of steps.
10.Pull out electric starter.
11. To reinstall, reverse the order of steps.
Representative picture
9.17.1Check and discharge the capacitors
NEVER check the capacitors whilst the generator motor
is running! Charged capacitors can be lethal. Do not
contact the capacitors with bare fingers or non-insulated
metallic objects! In order to test the capacitors, the
terminal lead wires have to be disconnected using pliers
or a screwdriver with insulated handle(s). Once the wires
have been removed, the capacitors must be discharged
by bridging the capacitor terminals with a discharge